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Writing Assignment 3: Draft of Academic Argument

Writing Assignment 3: Draft of Academic Argument
1st Draft Due [upload to Canvas]: See class schedule [15% of class grade]
1st Draft Due [for online peer review]: See class schedule [Canvas Module grade]
WA 3 Online Peer Review Guidelines [see full explanation in Canvas]
• Conducted in discussion board
• Post your WA 3 draft as attached Word or PDF file in by module 12 due date
• Post your completed Peer Reviews by module 13 due date
Instructions: Write a formal, academic argument that is supported by credible research/evidence addressing the research question you established/investigated in WA 1 and fully researched/outlined in WA 2.
NOTE: This paper is not a ROUGH draft. It is a first draft, which means it should be complete, meet all minimum requirements, and be polished as possible. If you submit an EXCEPTIONAL (A-level) draft, you will not be required to revise and resubmit a final version.
The research paper should be a polished document that makes a strong argument and supports that argument throughout the body of the paper using research sources.
Research Sources
You must use at least 8 academically-appropriate research sources for this assignment. Your sources must be appropriate for college-level research; please use the standards and guidelines discussed in chapters 18 & 19 when selecting your sources.
Acceptable Sources
● Articles from major newspapers, magazines, or other reputable news sources
● Articles from government departments or educational institutions (.govs and .edus) ● Articles found through the libraries databases
You MAY NOT use the following sources:
● Articles from privately-owned .coms or .orgs (some exceptions may be made with Ms. Allen’s approval)
● Wikipedia
● Papers written by other students (online or in print) ● Dictionaries & Encyclopedias (online or in print)
● Study guides
You must explain your ideas in detail to make a clear and complete argument. For this assignment, you’ll also need to include specific examples and/or quotes from ALL 8 sources to support your analysis.
Your paper MUST address counterarguments and provide rebuttals, including at support from at least one source.
● You must use in-text citations (parenthetical and signal phrases) that correspond with the bibliographic citation on your works cited page; all sources used in paper must be on works cited and all sources on works cited must be used in paper. In-text citations should match with first item (author or title) in bibliographic citation.
● No dangling/dropped quotes – all textual evidence should be integrated appropriately
● You must include a Works Cited Page with your research paper. DO NOT submit this as a separate document; the Works Cited page belongs at the end of your paper.
● ALL assignments must be submitted in proper MLA format. For help with MLA style guidelines, read Chapter
22 in EAA and visit the Purdue OWL website and search for MLA: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/
● Do not use 2nd person (you/your) or phrases like “I think, I feel, I believe, in my opinion, etc.”
This paper should be approximately 6 pages in length, not including the Works Cited page. I expect the paper to end at the top of the 6th page [5 full pages] to meet this requirement

Writing Assignment 3: Draft of Academic Argument

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