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Health care policy is a key driver in the development, delivery, and evaluation of health care services. This assessment task requires you to demonstrate the capacity to understand and critically analyse current health policy. A deeper understanding, knowledge and critical appreciation

Assessment 1: Written research policy review
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• Due Monday by 10:00
• Points 100
• Submitting a file upload
Assessment type: Short essay
Individual/group assessment: Individual
Word count/time limit: 1,500 words (+/- 10% not including references)
Weighting: 20%
For information about extensions or additional support, visit the Assessments home (https:// canvas.acu.edu.au/courses/26491/pages/assessments-home) page.

Assessment description
Health care policy is a key driver in the development, delivery, and evaluation of health care services. This assessment task requires you to demonstrate the capacity to understand and critically analyse current health policy. A deeper understanding, knowledge and critical appreciation of the Australian health care system and policymaking processes, and the assumptions that may underpin policy are essential requirements for leaders and managers of health care services. By completing this task, you will be able to demonstrate understanding, knowledge, and a developing capacity to critically analyse and evaluate assumptions and outcomes of health care policy.

Assessment details
Please complete the following steps to prepare your assessment.
Step 1: Select ONE of the following topics:
Topic 1: Research and analyse a current health policy that was created in response to an
emergent situation, and critically analyse how effective the policy has been in (a) garnering public support and (b) in achieving the aims.
Topic 2: Research and review a current national healthcare policy that targets an identified population group and appraise how effective the policy has been in improving access to health care and/or in reducing the financial burden of illness.
Step 2: Locate, read and evaluate the literature, including at least six peer-reviewed journal articles along with additional text-based resources (textbooks, reputable websites) relevant to your chosen topic. Use these resources to research your topic, and to inform the development of your written assessment.
Step 3: Prepare the written assessment, as a single Word document, using the following structure as a guide:
Introduction/Background (150–200 words)
• Logical and concise background and rationale for the policy and topic of interest.
• Clear and concise statement of the purpose of the assessment task.
Body (1,000–1,100 words)
• Clear and logical sequence of discussion and analysis of the topic, supported by credible and relevant literature.
Conclusion (100–200 words)
• Logical and concise summary of the findings of the written review.
References (not included in the word count)
• APA 7 (https://libguides.acu.edu.au/referencing/apa7) referencing style.

If you have questions related to your assessment task, remember to post these in the Assessment 1:
Discussion (https://canvas.acu.edu.au/courses/26491/discussion_topics/132466?wrap=1) board.
Supporting documents
Supporting resources
Weeks 1 and 2 are designed to help you prepare for this assessment task. Please ensure that you complete the activities. We also recommend that you post questions to the relevant discussion board during preparation of the assessment task.
Assignment exemplars
Two student examples are provided. These are not perfect examples of the assessment task, but they provide satisfactory examples of the requirements of the assessment. Both examples have been provided with the permission of the students. Please do not copy them – they are provided to give you an example only.
• Exemplar 1 Policy review Topic 1 (PDF, 91.5KB) (https://canvas.acu.edu.au/ courses/26491/files/1757511?wrap=1)
• Exemplar 2 Policy Review Topic 2 (PDF, 73.7KB) (https://canvas.acu.edu.au/ courses/26491/files/1757519?wrap=1)

Assessment learning outcomes
This assessment is linked to the following learning outcomes:
• Unit learning outcomes (ULO): ULO1, ULO2.
To see the full list of learning outcomes, go to the Syllabus (https://canvas.acu.edu.au/courses/26491/ assignments/syllabus) .

Submission details
Select the ‘Start Assignment’ button to submit.
File upload submission
Submit your assessment by uploading a file. Once a file has been uploaded, you cannot delete it, however, you can re-submit the task as many times as you like until the due date. You can upload multiple files if required.
If you are having trouble uploading your file, check that your files are 500MB or less.

For more information, see Uploading a file as an assignment submission (https://
community.canvaslms.com/t5/Student-Guide/How-do-I-upload-a-file-as-an-assignment-submission-in-Canvas/tap/27 ) .
Note: You can use Turnitin to check your writing for citation mistakes or inappropriate copying by submitting before the due date. The first time you submit, a similarity report should be generated within a few minutes. You can then make improvements and re-submit your work. For more information, see Accessing the
Similarity Report (https://help.turnitin.com/integrity/student/canvas/the-similarity-report/accessing-thesimilarity-report.htm) .
Assessment 1: Name
Criteria Ratings Pts
Topic/ content (30%) 30 to >25.4 Pts
HD (85-100%) Demonstrates appropriate interpretation of the topic. A consistent, welldeveloped and exemplary review of the impact of current health policy. 25.4 to >22.4 Pts
DI (75-84%) Demonstrates appropriate interpretation of the topic. A welldeveloped review of the impact of current health policy. 22.4 to >19.4 Pts
CR (65-74%) Demonstrates appropriate interpretation of the topic. A sound review of the impact of current health policy. 19.4 to >14.9 Pts Pass
PA (50-64%) Demonstrates appropriate interpretation of the topic. An adequate review of the impact of current health policy. 14.9 to >0 Pts Fail
NN (0-49%) The topic has not been interpreted correctly. The review of the impact of current health policy is inadequate. 30 pts
Critical analysis (60%) 60 to >50.9 Pts
HD (85-100%) Demonstrates exemplary
ability to critically
analyse and evaluate relevant assumptions and outcomes
of policy decisionmaking. Comprehensive
critical analysis of related literature presented in a structured academic style. 50.9 to >44.9 Pts
DI (75-84%)
effective ability to critically analyse and evaluate relevant assumptions and outcomes of policy decisionmaking. Accurate and broad critical analysis of related literature presented in a structured academic style. 44.9 to >38.9 Pts
CR (65-74%) Demonstrates
sound ability to critically analyse and evaluate relevant assumptions and outcomes of policy decisionmaking. Broad analysis of related literature presented in a structured academic style. 38.9 to >29.9 Pts Pass
PA (50-64%)
Demonstrates adequate ability to critically
analyse and evaluate relevant assumptions and outcomes of policy decisionmaking. Limited analysis of related literature presented in an adequate structure. 29.9 to >0 Pts Fail
NN (0-49%)
Critical analysis and evaluation is limited, or
absent. Makes global generalisations. Inadequate or no analysis of related literature.
structure is limited or inadequate. 60 pts
(10%) 10 to >8.4 Pts
HD (85-100%)
Uses language 8.4 to >7.4 Pts
DI (75-84%)
Uses language
that is clear and 7.4 to >6.4 Pts
CR (65-74%) Uses language that is mostly 6.4 to >4.9 Pts Pass
PA (50-64%) Uses basic language that is 4.9 to >0 Pts Fail
NN (0-49%)
Uses colloquial or unclear or 10 pts

5 of 6
Criteria Ratings Pts
that is consistently clear, sophisticated and professional. There are no grammatical, spelling and/or errors in punctuation and syntax. Accurate use of APA 7 formatting throughout of intext citations and the reference list. professional. There are very few (1-3) grammatical, spelling and/or errors in punctuation and syntax. Mostly correct (1-3 errors) in APA 7 formatting of intext citations and the reference list. clear and professional. There are few
(3-5) grammatical, spelling and/or errors in punctuation and syntax. Minor errors (3-5) in
APA 7 formatting of in-text citations and the reference list. appropriate. There are a number (5-10) of grammatical, spelling and/or errors in punctuation and syntax. Some
errors (5-10) in APA 7 formatting of in-text citations and the reference list. inappropriate language. Extensive (>10) grammatical, spelling and/or errors in punctuation and syntax. Multiple, repetitive, or extensive errors in APA 7 formatting of intext citations and the reference list
formatting not used.
Total points: 100

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Health care policy is a key driver in the development, delivery, and evaluation of health care services. This assessment task requires you to demonstrate the capacity to understand and critically analyse current health policy. A deeper understanding, knowledge and critical appreciation

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