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You work as a junior cybersecurity officer in an organization that has recently set up a manufacturing plant for autonomous vehicles and a research facility on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Two significant areas of interest for your

2190 Introduction to Professional Issues in Cyber Security

Assignment Task:

Background Context:

You work as a junior cybersecurity officer in an organization that has recently set up a manufacturing plant for autonomous vehicles and a research facility on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Two significant areas of interest for your organization within ITS are transport safety and road traffic efficiency. Cybersecurity in ITS has a direct impact on road safety & the efficiency of transportation. ITS depends on vehicles to be connected to other vehicles & networks to make intelligent decisions on the road. This creates plenty of opportunities for cybercriminals to exploit the system’s vulnerabilities. Cybersecurity experts predict that cyberattacks on autonomous vehicles could significantly increase in the coming years. To minimize cyber-attacks, ITS must follow a comprehensive set of security policies & regulations that can help to prevent cyber-attacks on autonomous vehicles.

As your organization is new to ITS & autonomous vehicles, they have appointed you to review various security policies and regulations to ensure safety. Also, you’re responsible for training the employees & create awareness of different legal, social & ethical issues within the cyber industry.

Assignment Task:

Considering the statement above, write a report for other cyber professionals relating to ITS, covering the following tasks:

Task 01: Professional Institution & Legislations in Cyber Security (1000 words)

  1. Explain in detail, the professional institutions like NCSC and UK cyber security council and discuss about their roles and contribution towards cyber safety. (500 words)
  2. Explain the following legislations that can be applied to cyber security- DPA2018, NIS regulations, PECR regulation, Computer Misuse act. (500 words

Task 02: Legal, Social & Ethical issues in Cyber Security (1500 Words)

  1. Explain in detail what codes of ethics and codes of conduct need to be followed to ensure cyber safety in your organization. (750 words)
  2. Identify and analyse 3 different codes of ethics & codes of conduct stated by UK cyber security Council that can be applied to the Intelligent transport Systems (ITS) industry. (750 words)

Marking Criteria:

  • Roles & contributions of various professional institutions (15%)
  • Various legislations covered within cyber security (15%)
  • Codes of ethics and codes of conduct to ensure cyber safety (25%)
  • Identify & Analyse legal, social & ethical issues within cyber security (25%)
  • Structure & quality of material presented – layout, spelling, grammar, syntax (10%)
  • References – quality, range and extensiveness of references. The currency of the information (how recent is it) and the triangulation of references (cross-referencing data to add further justification to points) are critical. Marks for references will also be embedded with the sections above, but the extent, presentation, currency and quality of the references will account for 10%.

Task and Document Format Guidance:

  • Focus on attention to detail, quality of work and overall academic standards.
  • Specific Guidance for this assignment (include guidance on each task and the format of the document):
  • For additional guidance on this assignment, please access the assignment vodcast available on Canvas.

E-Submission Guidance:

This assignment will require you to submit your work by uploading a document in Word or PDF format to Canvas. Please follow this online guide on document submissions and contact the DICE team on dice@ucb.ac.uk if you need any further support.

Learning Outcomes:

Learning Outcomes are what the student needs to demonstrate after completing a module. An assessment is a way in which students can demonstrate their achievement of these Learning Outcomes. Learning Outcomes are NOT the same as the assignment task.

Please enter the Learning Outcomes assessed by this assignment:

  1. Define professional institutions within cyber security and computing.
  2. Investigate the legislations that apply to the cyber security profession.
  3. Describe the impact of codes of conduct and apply code of ethics within the cyber security profession.
  4. Identify and examine legal, social and ethical issues within cyber and IT industry.

Academic Skills Outcomes:

  • The Academic Skills Outcomes to be developed by completing this assignment can be found here.
  • For Apprenticeship programmes, identify the applicable Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours the assignment seeks to test.

General Assignment Guidance:

UCB standards for presenting your written work

Please use the standards within this link about text size, line spacing, margins, headers, page numbering, embedding quotations within your work and appendices. https://ucbirmingham.instructure.com/courses/26756/pages/presentation-of-submitted-work

Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethically within your assessments

Please read the information below on how to use AI ethically within your assignments, including Grammarly. Please ask your lecturer or CASE if you are unclear about any information within this link. If a marker has questions about how you have used AI within your assignment, you may be invited to a meeting to discuss your work. https://rise.articulate.com/share/4h250QmyY8hNnsQ9HS7B702dJedhlsM6

Teamwork Assessment

Should this assignment require you to work as part of a team, you will receive an individual grade based on your performance and personalised feedback. The assignment brief will provide clear details on how your individual grade and feedback will be determined against the task and marking criteria.

Importance of Word Count

Assignment word counts should always be observed. Ignoring a word count significantly increases the risk of your work losing marks because it will likely lack focus and clarity, and/or you would have gained an unfair advantage over others who have completed their work within the word count.

Students will be required to state their word count on all submissions. A 10% leeway will be allowed – so the maximum a student should submit will be the word count + 10%. The word count will exclude:

  • The title page
  • The contents page
  • Models, graphs, calculations, data tables, and other exhibited figures or images
  • Lists of references
  • Appendices (these should be kept to a minimum)


See the guidance below on e-submitting your assignment: https://www.ucb.ac.uk/higher-education-student-handbook/assessment-issues/

Cut-off date for late submissions (including for students with ECs and/or Support Plans)

The cut-off time for late submissions is 10 working days (UCB working days) after the original assessment hand-in/due date. After this time, you cannot submit any late assessments, even if you have Extenuating Circumstances to cover them. https://www.ucb.ac.uk/higher-education-student-handbook/assessment-issues/ (See Additional Information Section, ‘Assignments and how to Submit them’)

Students with Support Plans may have additional time to submit their work after the formal submission date.

Generic Grading Criteria

The Generic Grading Criteria (GCC) are the generic features and expectations of work at a given level on your programme. The GCC per level is used in conjunction with the assignment marking criteria to determine the mark for your assignment. For more information on the GCCs for Levels 4-7, please click on this link. https://www.ucb.ac.uk/higher-education-student-handbook/assessment-fairness-and-marking/

Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct

Please read the policy on Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct below. UCB will be robust in ensuring that marks awarded for assignments are based on fair and ethical assessment and referencing practices by students. https://www.ucb.ac.uk/higher-education-student-handbook/essay-writing/plagiarism/

Extenuating Circumstances

Extenuating Circumstances (ECs) are significant personal difficulties which adversely impact your ability to complete your assignment. Please read the supporting information below if you have ECs impacting your ability to complete this assignment. https://www.ucb.ac.uk/higher-education-student-handbook/assessments-if-things-go-wrong/

UCB Referencing Guide

You are required to reference your sources within your assignments appropriately. Please click on the link below to learn how to reference various sources of information. This Guide also includes how to acknowledge all Generative AI used within your assignment, ensuring that you comply with the Using AI Ethically within your Assignments policy (as covered above). https://portal.ucb.ac.uk/download/referencing/referencing-guide.pdf

Access the Assignment Life Cycle

The Assignment Life Cycle offers you additional support at each stage of the assignment process. Please click on the link below: https://ucbirmingham.instructure.com/courses/37413

You work as a junior cybersecurity officer in an organization that has recently set up a manufacturing plant for autonomous vehicles and a research facility on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Two significant areas of interest for your
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