you will investigate the relationship between sustainability and strategic business management, with a particular focus on how sustainability initiatives contribute to an organisation’s competitive advantage. You will also explore the dynamics of foun

Assessment 1: Individual Report (50%)
In this assignment, you will investigate the relationship between sustainability and strategic business management, with a particular focus on how sustainability initiatives contribute to an organisation’s competitive advantage. You will also explore the dynamics of founder teams within entrepreneurial and business environments, examining their roles, responsibilities, and ethical considerations.
Drawing from relevant theories, frameworks, and case studies, critically analyse how organisations can develop and execute sustainability strategies that foster long-term competitive advantages. Use real-world examples to illustrate how firms have successfully utilised sustainability initiatives to gain a competitive edge.
Examine the role of strategic managers focused on sustainability within organisations. How do these roles differ from traditional strategic management roles in terms of responsibilities and objectives?
Investigate the dynamics of founder teams in entrepreneurial ventures. What are the key roles within these teams, and how do team members negotiate their responsibilities and rewards? Consider the influence and power dynamics in these discussions, particularly in the context of ethical decision-making.
(LO1 and LO4)
2000 WORDS

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