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You are going to design a hypothetical computer for one of the three people described below. Your build will be a list of all the specifications that this system will have. In addition, you will need to write

You are going to design a hypothetical computer for one of the three people described below. Your build will be a list of all the specifications that this system will have. In addition, you will need to write up a document explaining why you have selected these specifications, features, and components for the person you chose.


Choose to build a PC for only one of the following.

A retired gentleman on a fixed income

A small-business owner

A young college student

At a minimum you must address the following items in your narrative. Use clearly defined headings to identify the items in appropriate sections.



Pre-installed applications

Type of computer




Hard drive

Power supply

Video Card


Network access

Operating system

Additional storage features or components





Document minimum requirements:

A minimum of three full paragraphs in addition to a spec list (ordered or unordered).

Submit only one document via the link.

Use paragraph structure and appropriate headings to organize your document. Use complete sentences and proper grammar and spelling.

Place a header in your document that contains your name, the assignment name, and the course code from the syllabus.

Your document must be one of the following formats (.doc, .docx, or .rtf).

Cite any and all sources.

Save the file as <LastNameFirstInitial_M1HW> Example: OserK_M1HW

You are going to design a hypothetical computer for one of the three people described below. Your build will be a list of all the specifications that this system will have. In addition, you will need to write
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