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You are currently working as a case manager at Youth Counseling Village. Taylor (they/them) is a senior in high school; you have been working with them for the past five months. Taylor was referred to the Youth Counseling Village by their school guidance counselor after they disclosed that they were using drugs with classmates.

Case Study #4: Taylor

You are currently working as a case manager at Youth Counseling Village. Taylor (they/them) is a senior in high school; you have been working with them for the past five months.
Taylor was referred to the Youth Counseling Village by their school guidance counselor after they disclosed that they were using drugs with classmates. Taylor’s school attendance has been erratic, and their grades have been dropping each semester. Since beginning treatment with you, Taylor has often threatened to discontinue services and has been struggled to abstain from drugs.
Last week, Taylor proposed a bargain with you; they would stay in treatment and not do drugs if you would attend their high school graduation. However, your employing agency has a strict policy that states employees are not to attend clients’ functions and/or celebrations.

Please respond to the above mentioned case study and answer the following questions as the case manager for Youth Counseling Village;

1. Provide at least three NASW Ethical Codes that need to be addressed when considering this scenario. Explain how these Codes apply to the case. Provide at least three.

2. Which of the two Ethical codes that you identified in your response to Question 1 conflict with one another? Explain how those Codes are in conflict.

3. Identify and describe the pro/cons to three possible decisions you could make in this situation.

4. What would you do in this situation? Provide explanation as to why you made this final decision.
* If your response states that you would ask your supervisor to make the decision, defer to the decision to a colleague, or ask that the agency to provide you with permission to attend, then you will not be eligible for any points on this question.

5. How would you respond toTaylor? Include exact wording.

You are currently working as a case manager at Youth Counseling Village. Taylor (they/them) is a senior in high school; you have been working with them for the past five months. Taylor was referred to the Youth Counseling Village by their school guidance counselor after they disclosed that they were using drugs with classmates.

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