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You are a senior healthcare assistant working in an NHS hospital. You were seconded to pursue a course in health and social care for two years. Upon your return, your line manager has asked you to write

Assignment Title:

Task A Submission Format – Individual report

This submission will be in the form of an individual report submitted using a WORD processed document. PDF and other types of files are not accepted.

The recommended length of this submission is 2000 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding 2000 words.

Where appropriate, learning theory and additional research must be used, and referenced according to the Harvard Referencing system. The work must include a bibliography for all referenced work using the Harvard referencing system.          


Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1 Describe organ systems within a healthy human body

LO2 Explain the interrelationship of body systems in health and ill-health from a physiological perspective

Assignment Brief and Guidance

Scenario and Activity:

You are a senior healthcare assistant working in an NHS hospital. You were seconded to pursue a course in health and social care for two years. Upon your return, your line manager has asked you to write a report to support new healthcare assistants in their learning about the organ systems within a healthy human body.

You will need to produce a report for this activity to critically analyse in relation to homeostasis for health and ill health:

  • The role, structure and function of different body systems for health and ill health,
  • The function of a human body cell and its role during osmosis and diffusion.
  • A comparison of the differences between the healthy human body with individuals who have ill health
  • How the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive system work together to provide energy for the healthy human body and maintain life and health of the individual. 


Task B Submission Format – Essay

This submission will be in the form of an essay submitted using a WORD processed document. PDF and other types of files are not accepted.

The recommended length of this submission is 2000 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding 2000 words.

Where appropriate, learning theory and additional research must be used, and referenced according to the Harvard Referencing system. The work must include a bibliography for all referenced work using the Harvard referencing system.          

Remember to include the case scenarios given in your answers.

If you are a health care professional, use your own organization’s health care practice.


Unit Learning Outcomes

LO3 Investigate how physiological measurements in the body are affected by ill health.

LO4 Plan care interventions based on an individual’s physiological measurements which contribute to reducing risks to health.


Assignment Brief and Guidance


Mr. John is a 75-year-old male, who recently lost his wife. He has refused to eat for the past six days and presented with symptoms, such as low mood and depression, as well as flaky skin. Although he claimed to be eating well, his relatives confirmed he hardly ate anything. Initial assessment results of his weight, blood pressure, and body mass index are given below, with further assessment revealing the presence of poor personal hygiene and dirty clothing (relatives reported that he did not change his clothes or had a shower during the past few days).

  • Biographical data: Elderly service user
  • Reason for seeking care: Relatives’ concern
  • History of health/illness: Refuses to eat / take medication
  • Past Medical History: High blood pressure (Currently on Ramipril, 5mg OD).

Vital Sign Measurements:

Blood pressure: 169/100 mmHg right arm

Pulse: 79 bpm (radial), 2+, regular rhythm

Temperature: 37.2°C tympanic

Current Body Mass Index: 18Kg/m2

Previous weight: 70kg

Height: 1.78m

(As a good practice, students will have to calculate previous body mass index according with NHS calculator)


As a healthcare practitioner, you will need to produce a person-centred care plan to improve the health of Mr. John or for an individual who is suffering from ill health in own workplace setting, and critically evaluate it together with the associated records of physiological measurements to identify areas of good practice and areas for improvement including the effectiveness of the care plan in communicating the individual’s needs and requirements to others involved in caring for the individual.

In order to do so, you will have first to interpret normal and abnormal physiological measurements in the case of Mr. John, or for an individual with ill heath in own workplace setting and justify the actions you took when physiological measurements are outside normal limits before preparing a risk assessment which minimises harm to the health of the selected individual and then producing the care plan which includes interventions that improve the selected individual’s ill-health and associated outcomes.


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria




LO1 Describe organ systems within a healthy human body

LO1 and LO2

D1 Critically analyse the role of body systems in homeostasis for health and ill health


P1 Outline the function of a human body cell and its role during osmosis and diffusion

P2 Describe the structure and function of different body systems in the healthy human body

M1 Compare differences in the healthy human body with individuals who have ill health

LO2 Explain the interrelationship of body systems in health and ill-health from a physiological perspective

P3 Explain how body systems co-operate to maintain life and health of the individual

M2 Examine how the cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive system work together to provide energy for the healthy human body

LO3 Investigate how physiological measurements in the body are affected by ill health


LO3 and LO4

D2 Critically evaluate own care plan and associated records of physiological measurements for an individual with ill health to identify areas of good practice and areas for improvement

P4 Interpret normal and abnormal physiological measurements for an individual with ill heath in own workplace setting

M3 Justify actions taken when physiological measurements are outside normal limits

LO4 Plan care interventions based on an individual’s physiological measurements which contribute to reducing risks to health

P5 Prepare a risk assessment which minimises harm to the health of an individual with ill health in own workplace setting

P6 Produce a person-centred care plan which includes interventions that improve an individual’s ill health and associated outcomes

M4 Assess the effectiveness of the care plan in communicating the individual’s needs and requirements to others involved in caring for the individual







Achievement of a pass grade

A pass grade is achieved by meeting all the requirements defined in the PASS assessment criteria for each individual unit.

Achievement of a merit grade

All the PASS assessment criteria and MERIT grade criteria need to be completed within a unit to achieve a merit grade.

Achievement of a distinction grade

All the PASS assessment criteria, MERIT and DISTINCTION criteria must be completed within a unit to achieve a distinction grade.



As per Pearson policy, you are only allowed two submissions per module. One for final submission and another one for referral. Failure to achieve a grade pass after a second submission will result in you having to repeat the module in the next term.

Any re-submission or late submission (unless authorised due to mitigating circumstances) will be capped at a PASS grade only.

Specification of Assessment

  • Present your work in one report style which should include a cover page, table of contents, introduction, conclusion, reference list, foot or end notes and appendices, if any.
  • Include the reference code of this assignment on your assignment submission front page.
  • Sign the Learner’s Statement of authenticity in the cover page. Failure to do so will result in the submission being declined.
  • Ensure the following information is in the footer on every page:
  • Your name
  • The production date of your submission
  • The code number of your assignment brief
  • The page number (Each page must be numbered at the bottom right-hand side)
  • Spell-check the document and make sure there are no grammatical errors as it may result in the submission being declined.
  • Complete all the tasks in a Holistic manner as set in the brief and without separating the assessment criteria to avoid a potential referral.
  • Create your own titles and sub-headings to structure the work without copying the assessment criteria verbatim.
  • Produce clear specific reasoning and arguments in support of your answers.
  • Submit your work in a single WORD processed document of not more than 5000 words for all learning Outcomes. This word limit is only for guidelines and is not applied to grading. PDF and other types of files are not accepted.
  • You must include a bibliography at the end to show where your information was sourced. Failure to do so may result in the submission being declined
  • Your sources must be identified using the Harvard referencing system. The words used in your bibliography will not be included in your word count.
  • You must use Arial, size 12, 1.5 line spacing and black to format the text.

To access any feedback (formative/summative) you will have to access Moodle and open your assignment. You will have to click on the blue comment box in the righthand side and the feedback will appear within the text. You might have to click on the blue bubbles to see the feedback.

You are a senior healthcare assistant working in an NHS hospital. You were seconded to pursue a course in health and social care for two years. Upon your return, your line manager has asked you to write

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