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You and your team have been tasked with developing a comprehensive e-retail platform. This platform must cater to a wide range of customers while delivering a seamless and engaging shopping experience. To achieve this,

CASE STUDY – E-retail platform

You and your team have been tasked with developing a comprehensive e-retail platform. This platform must cater to a wide range of customers while delivering a seamless and engaging shopping experience. To achieve this, the platform should incorporate a variety of features, from basic product browsing and purchasing to advanced functionalities like personalized recommendations, dynamic pricing, and social media integration. The platform’s interface should be visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for both desktop and mobile devices to maximize customer engagement.


In addition to customer-facing features, the platform must also provide robust tools for sellers and retailers. Efficient product management, real-time inventory tracking, and detailed sales analytics are essential for business success. The platform should seamlessly integrate with payment gateways, shipping carriers, and inventory management systems to ensure smooth operations.

To ensure the platform’s success, it must address non-functional requirements such as security, performance, scalability, and reliability. Protecting sensitive customer data (e.g., payment information and personal details) is critical, while the platform must be capable of handling high traffic volumes, especially during peak shopping seasons like holidays or sales events. Additionally, the platform should be scalable to accommodate future growth in product offerings and user base.

NOTE: As a developer your team should conduct client interviews to discuss the specifications in more detail. Utilise the consultation time for this task.




Please note that the Assessment will contribute towards 30of the final grade.


NOTE that no marks will be granted for wrong or incorrect submission of files


NOTE that one person in the group should submit the document. Group members are required to submit participation form. No participation form no mark.

Report Layout and Formatting:


  • Report should be of correct layout as mentioned ABOVE, containing unit code, unit name and student ids etc (4 marks)
  • Report should have VIT logo. (1 marks)
  • The document follows the correct formatting (5 Marks) Total Marks: 10 Marks


Report Content:


  • Report should have clear introduction. (5 marks)
  • Clear introduction of system descriptions and software development lifecycle with proper justifications (10 marks)
  • Clear depiction of requirement specifications (functional, non-functional etc) (25 marks)
  • Assumptions or Constraints are appropriate and makes sense (10 marks)
  • Software analysis and modelling using use case diagrams. The diagram should be syntactically and semantically correct (20 marks) Total Marks: 70 Marks



  • All use of spellings, punctuations and grammars should be correct. Total Marks: 5 marks

Word limit:


  • Word limit followed.


Total marks: 5 marks





  • References should be valid, reliable and from credible sources.
  • References follows the correct format i.e. IEEE format.


Total Marks: 10 marks


Assessment Details for Assessment Item 3:



Assessmenttasks Learnin
Assessment ID Assessment Item When due Weighting ULO#



Part A – Software Design Specification Report







Part B – Test Plan

Part C – Presentation (Group)



Part A – Session10

    Part A – 30%  
  Part B – Session Part B – 10%  
3* Part C – Session12   3, 4, 5
    Part C – 10%  


Assignment 3 PART A – Software Design Specification Report


This assignment will be completed in groups.

Marks: 30of your total marks/grades. Due Date: Session 10

Submission: This assignment requires submitting the report and video demonstration as a separate submission through the Moodle submission link for assignment 3. No DRAFT submissions will be marked.

Lateness: A late penalty of 20% per day after the due date, including the weekends.


Authorship: This assignment is a group assignment, and the final submission must be identifiable as a group’s own work. Breaches of this requirement will result in an assignment not being accepted for assessment and may result in disciplinary action. Refer to the Academic Integrity Section below for more details.

Extensions: No extensions will be given in normal circumstances. An extension may be granted in special circumstances as per the VIT policy.

Student Statement: A completed electronic student statement is required to be accepted with the submission. It is created automatically when you press when you upload the document (or confirm your submission) for your assignment via Moodle submission system.


Academic integrity is about the honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas. You should take extreme care that you have:

  • Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you have quoted (i.e., directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in your assessment through the appropriate referencing methods,
  • Provide a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if necessary. This includes material taken from Internet sites.

If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate references, as if they were your own.


This assignment is an extension of assignment 2, that is the team is working on the same case study as in assignment 2, and creating the software design specification. 

  • Based on the updated requirements draw a conceptual class diagram of the whole system showing all classes and relationships. You can add attributes and methods where necessary but it’s optional, and you do not need to show all attributes and methods.

Hint: Show methods where inheritence or any solid principles are applied.


The diagram should adhere to all object-oriented principles and patterns covered in this unit and appropriate for the case study under discussion.

  • Define and discuss what architectural pattern should be used to design the fashion e-retail platform.
  • Students should discuss within the team and get confirmation from the staff member about the complex module they are implementing. Use Java programming language to develop it. You can use GIT or any other distributed version control system to track changes and access files remotely. However, it is optional and not accessed but recommended. Also, write instruction to run and deploy code on machines so that the teaching team can run it on their local machines.

Note: It is not mandatory to use GUI, a simple stand alone command line application is also acceptable as long as it shows the required functionalities.


Assignment 3 PART B – Software Testing Report


Marks: 10of your total marks/grades. Due Date: Session 11

Submission: This assignment requires submitting the report and video demonstration as a separate submission through the Moodle submission link for assignment 3. No DRAFT submissions will be marked.

Lateness: A late penalty of 20% per day after the due date, including the weekends.


Authorship: This assignment is a group assignment, and the final submission must be identifiable as a group’s own work. Breaches of this requirement will result in an assignment not being accepted for assessment and may result in disciplinary action. Refer to the Academic Integrity Section below for more details.

Extensions: No extensions will be given in normal circumstances. An extension may be granted in special circumstances as per the VIT policy.

Student Statement: A completed electronic student statement is required to be accepted with the submission. It is created automatically when you press when you upload the document (or confirm your submission) for your assignment via Moodle submission system.


Academic integrity is about the honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas. You should take extreme care that you have:

  • Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you have quoted (i.e., directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in your assessment through the appropriate referencing methods,
  • Provide a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if necessary. This includes material taken from Internet sites.

If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate references, as if they were your own.



A test plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the strategy, objectives, resources, schedule, and scope of testing activities for the e-retail platform. The goal of the test plan is to ensure that the platform meets all functional and non-functional requirements, delivers a seamless


user experience, and is free of critical defects before deployment. Below is the format need to be followed:

  1. Objective
  2. Scope
  3. Test Type
  4. Test Environment
  5. Test Schedule
  6. Roles and Responsibilities
  7. Test Deliverables
  8. Risk and Mitigation


Important: Simply showing correct outputs will grant no marks.


Assignment 3 PART C – Presentation

Marks: 10of your total marks/grades. Due Date: Session 12

Submission: This assignment requires submitting the report and video demonstration as a separate submission through the Moodle submission link for assignment 3. No DRAFT submissions will be marked.

Lateness: A late penalty of 20% per day after the due date, including the weekends.


Authorship: This assignment is a group assignment, and the final submission must be identifiable as a group’s own work. Breaches of this requirement will result in an assignment not being accepted for assessment and may result in disciplinary action. Refer to the Academic Integrity Section below for more details.

Extensions: No extensions will be given in normal circumstances. An extension may be granted in special circumstances as per the VIT policy.

Student Statement: A completed electronic student statement is required to be accepted with the submission. It is created automatically when you press when you upload the document (or confirm your submission) for your assignment via Moodle submission system.


Academic integrity is about the honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas. You should take extreme care that you have:

  • Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you have quoted (i.e., directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in your assessment through the appropriate referencing methods,
  • Provide a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if necessary. This includes material taken from Internet sites.

If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate references, as if they were your own.



  • The whole group should demonstrate the design and working of the application including the contribution. The video demonstration must follow the following protocols:
    • The whole group will be present in the video with face visible (Camera on). The whole group must introduce themselves and present their contributions. Then the team should discuss design, architecture and demonstrate the running of the system (VIT Eats Application).


  • The video must not exceed more than 10 minutes




Workplan / Work breakdown Agreement (WBA)

You are expected to work as a group on this assignment and contribute very closely to approximately an equal amount of work (unless the special consideration policy outlined applies). In your workplan you must provide details about the contributions and how the work is organised and managed. In most cases, if this is followed, students will receive equal marks on those aspects to their teammates. The Workplan section must include the following information:

Student Name:


Contribution Description:


%age of Contribution:


I [NAME OF THE STUDENT] hereby accept the Work breakdown/contribution as agreed. [DATE]

NOTE: We will take into account your WBA while marking your assessments and the marks will be adjusted based on the WBA.




The assessment will be marked on the following criteria


For part A

Task 1: Class Diagram (30 Marks)


  • Classes are well-chosen.


  • Important domain concepts are modelled.


  • Elements that are outside the scope of the specification are not modelled.


  • All elements that are shown are within the scope of the specification.


  • All relevant associations are shown.


  • Inheritance is used appropriately.


  • Aggregation/composition are used correctly (if at all).


  • All obvious associations and dependencies between classes are shown.


  • Navigability arrows on associations and dependencies make sense (if shown).


  • Syntax is correct


Task2: Architecture (10 Marks)

  • Appropriate Architectural Pattern is applied in design and the code.


  • Architectural Pattern is correctly justified.


Task3: Implementation (15 Marks)

  • Design in the code matches the design in the class diagram.
  • Coding standards. Applies to any code that has been touched by human hands (e.g. meaningful variable and method names, commenting, layout) — note that this applies to both human-written code and machine-generated code that has been hand-edited. We will look for meaningful identifier names (variable, classes, methods), inline comments, method header comments, class/module comments, layout.
  • Functional Completeness (any complex module including login)


Part B

Task 1: Test Plan (10 marks)

–           The test plan is comprehensive, well-structured, and covers all critical aspects.


For part C

Task 1: System Demonstrations / Presentation (10 Marks)

  • Please start the video by discussing the contribution of each team member (i.e., which team member was responsible for which component in the system). Students should demonstrate a working system (the complex module) including the design, architecture and any other parts (if required).
  • Students demonstrate understanding of the system, the relationship between the code and the design documents, the design and the architecture of the system. Students should point out where in their code the constructs shown in their design documents are implemented.
You and your team have been tasked with developing a comprehensive e-retail platform. This platform must cater to a wide range of customers while delivering a seamless and engaging shopping experience. To achieve this,
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