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Work the to develop Implementation of one System of Recognition Facial in Digital Works The aim is to implement a simplified digital facial recognition system, with basis in standards binaries of features facial, divided in 4 paragraphs, each one worth 1 value. The digital facial recognition system works on images and returns two outputs codes of two bit each. THE code

Work the to develop
Implementation of one System of Recognition Facial in Digital Works
The aim is to implement a simplified digital facial recognition system, with basis in standards binaries of features facial, divided in 4 paragraphs, each one worth 1 value. The digital facial recognition system works on images and returns two outputs codes of two bit each.
THE code binary the 2 bits corresponding to the feature facial (TF) found, according to Table 1:

Bit of bigger weight TF1 Bit of minor weight TF0 Code of feature facial Display of 7 segments




1 1 No recognized No show nothing
Table 1 – Definition of the codes binaries of 2 bits for traits facial specific

THE code binary the 2 bits of type of feature face (TTF) and presented in the Table 2:

Bit of bigger weight TTF1 Bit of minor weight TTF0 Type of feature Facial Feature facial Display of 7 segments
0 0 big Mouth – 00 1
0 1 small Mouth – 00 2
1 0 open Mouth – 00 3
1 1 closed Mouth – 00 4
0 0 short Nose – 01 1
0 1 long Nose – 01 2
1 0 narrow Nose – 01 3
1 1 wide Nose – 01 4
0 0 browns Eyes – 10 1
0 1 greens Eyes – 10 2
1 0 blues Eyes – 10 3
1 1 grays Eyes – 10 4


Table 2 – Detail of the codes binaries to different types of traits facial

• The machine returned the code 00 01 . Therefore, the two bits with the highest weight are 00 , so the recognized facial feature was “Mouth”. The two bits with the lowest weight are 01 , so the type of feature recognized was “Mouth small”.
• THE machine returned the code 11 00. Like this, you two bits of bigger weight they are 11 , soon the machine no recognized any feature facial and obviously also no recognized the type of feature facial.
• THE machine returned the code 10 10 , therefore you two bits of bigger weight they are 10 , logo the feature facial recognized he was “Eyes”. You two bits of minor weight they are 10 , logo the type of feature facial recognized was “blues”.

Aline TO (1 value)
Implement a circuit that has, as inputs, 2 complete facial recognition codes and indicate if you codes of feature facial and of type of feature facial they are you same. Indicate also if you two codes received are both valid.
Circuit combinatorial:
• Inputs:
o THE code binary of 4 bits corresponding the one set feature facial + type of feature facial recognized by machine (TF11 TF10+ TTF11 TTF10).
the THE code binary of 4 bits corresponding the other set feature facial + type of feature facial recognized for the machine (TF21 TF20 + TTF21 TTF20).
• Outputs:
o Exit to indicate if you codes they are equal.
o Exit to show if both you codes they are valid.
• Suggestion:
o Create one macro of one circuit comparator of 2 numbers of 2 bits each and create one macro of one circuit what receive two codes of type facial and indicate if they are both valid. With these macros solve the paragraph THE.

Test manual: Include node report, node minimum, 4 combinations distinct of traits facial and types of traits facial and you results of the respective comparisons.

Paragraph B (1 value)
Implement one circuit with 2 displays of 7 segments what show separately one code of recognition facial (facial feature and the type of feature facial) consonant to the Tables 1 and 2.
Circuit combinatorial:
• Inputs:
o The circuit must receive a 4- bit binary code as input, where the first 2 bits represent the feature facial and you last 2 bits represent the type of feature facial (TF11 TF10 + TTF11 TTF10).
• Outputs:
o THE circuit he must control 14 exits to trigger you two displays of 7 segments.
Suggestion: Debt the circuit in two parts, one to decode and display the feature facial and other to decode and display the type of facial feature.

Example: With Prohibited 00 01 , the first display must display “Mouth” ( ) and the second “small” (2).

Paragraph W (1 value)
Implement a synchronous sequential circuit that consecutively reads two trace codes complete facial codes of the machine and show, in one output, whether the two consecutive codes are equal and, in another, if both consecutive codes are both valid.
THE machine return, to in addition of the 4 bits (TF1 TF0 + TTF1 TTF0) of code of recognition facial, an output that activates when the code is available. When this output is deactivated, the code cannot be linked, because this is not available. When two consecutive codes are read, the respective comparisons and validations of the codes must be carried out and a signal what allow indicate what both operations were made.
THE circuit he must to have displays to show you codes of recognition facial and one signal of reset
to restart the process.
Circuit sequential:
• Inputs:
the THE code binary of 4 bits returned for the machine corresponding the one set feature facial + type of facial feature recognized for the machine (TF1 TF0 TTF1 TTF0).
o THE signal from the machine what indicates he has code available to to be read (CD – code available).
o One signal of RESET to start over the process.
• Outputs:
o Signs to you 4 displays of 7 segments what will show you two codes complete of recognition facial.
o One signal to indicate if you codes compared they are equal or no.
o One signal to indicate if both you codes they are valid.
o One signal OK to indicate what both to the operations of validation and comparison they are made.
• Suggestion: Create macros with to the Paragraphs THE and b. Do also one macro of one registration of 4
bits what allow memorize one code and use these macros node your circuit.

Manual testing: Must include in the report at least 4 distinct combinations of pairs of traits facial to test the sequence of selection and display of the results.

Paragraph D (1 value)
Expand the circuit sequential synchronous from the paragraph previous to include exits what allow build statistical information. When 16 counts have been made, the circuit must stop until the RESET.
1. To do one count (4 bits ) of how many comparisons were made.
2. To do one count (4 bits ) of how many codes consecutive equal they were returned.
3. To do one count (4 bits ) of how many codes consecutive valid they were returned.

Circuit sequential:
• Inputs:
the THE code binary of 4 bits returned for the machine corresponding the one set feature facial + type of feature facial (TF1 TF0 + TTF1 (TTF0) recognized by machine.
o THE signal from the machine which indicates exists code available to to be read (CD – code available).
o One signal of RESET to start over the process.
• Outputs:
o Count of comparisons made (4 bits ).
o Count of codes consecutive equal returned (4 bits ).
o Count of how many codes consecutive valid they were returned (4 bits ).

Manual test : Must include at least 4 distinct combinations of pairs of facial features to test the sequence of selection and display of the results.

Work the to develop Implementation of one System of Recognition Facial in Digital Works The aim is to implement a simplified digital facial recognition system, with basis in standards binaries of features facial, divided in 4 paragraphs, each one worth 1 value. The digital facial recognition system works on images and returns two outputs codes of two bit each. THE code

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