Instructions: While many of the works of the Old Testament are
written about priests, kings, and leaders, the beauty of Wisdom
Literature is that it is written to the ordinary people. These works
are designed to offer advice and provide a voice for all stages of
life. For this week’s assignment we are going to tap into your
creative side. The assignment will be in two parts.
• Part 1: Compose a Psalm to the Lord.
• It should contain 6-10 lines of expression.
• Allow it to represent an emotion or a set of emotions that
expresses your current feelings towards God.
• Example 1: Perhaps right now you are in a time of pain.
so let this psalm be one of lament.
• Example 2: Maybe you just received great news and
can express your joy.
• Example 3: You simply want to express your love or to
• Part 2: Examine a biblical Psalm that is a different expression
to God.
• Select one of the Psalms below that expresses a different
feeling toward God than the Psalm that you authored in
Part 1. The Psalm that you select should reflect a time
when you were not in your current situation.
• Example 1: If you wrote your palm as lament, choose
a psalm of thanksgiving, praise, etc.
• Hymns/Praise = Psalm 103 or Psalm 147
• Thanksgiving = Psalm 111
• Example 2: If you wrote about your love of God, select
one that is a psalm of lament, anger, guilt, etc.
• Lament = Psalm 6 or Psalm 88
• Anger = Psalm 12
• Guilt = Psalm 38
• Write a 200 word reflection on the value of this Psalm
during this different season of your life. Consider these
questions to help you:
• This week is about God’s wisdom. What wisdom of
God is expressed in each of your Psalms (how do you
see God’s wisdom demonstrated in the Psalm you
wrote and the one you selected)?
• How would the Psalm from part 2 help you express
your feelings during a time different than the time that
was reflected in the Psalm that you wrote?
• How would this Psalm help you express your feelings
during the time that was reflected in the Psalm that
you wrote?
While many of the works of the Old Testament are written about priests, kings, and leaders, the beauty of Wisdom Literature is that it is written to the ordinary people. These works are designed to offer advice and provide a voice for all stages of life.