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What is the HITH program? How might this service benefit Naomi? Note, information to answer this question is not contained in the module content; however, the program is relevant to the case so extend your search.

PHE5SCC Service Coordination & Case Management Notebook Activities Assessment 2


You can answer the notebook activity question either in this document or on a separate word file and submit electronically via Turnitin on the LMS page. As a guide, each notebook activity should be no more than 500 words, making the maximum word count for this assessment 1500 words (including in-text citations). There is no +10% word grace; however, it is fine to complete the assessment in less words. If you use academic literature to support your answers, use the APA7 referencing system – https://latrobe.libguides.com/apa7

If you have any questions about this assessment, post in the Assessment Q&A discussion forum and a member of staff will respond to them promptly. Alternatively, attend the scheduled Zoom session to ask a question.

Note: The questions below have been developed from some, but not all, of the module content. This does not necessarily mean that you will find all the answers within the modules; however, you may find that module content can be a useful starting point to help you formulate your responses.

Answer the following questions based on Naomi’s information:

Question 1 

When thinking about the goal of client care, what are some things that you, a case manager, can do to help Naomi in her current situation? Provide a reason why each point you have listed is important for a case manager to conduct in this scenario. As a guide, consider 4-5 different things that can be carried out.

Question 2

Which model of disability is best suited to act as a framework to think about Naomi’s case? Why?

Question 3 

What is the HITH program? How might this service benefit Naomi? Note, information to answer this question is not contained in the module content; however, the program is relevant to the case so extend your search.

Notebook Activity 2 (20 marks) – Module 3

Standard comprehensive assessment instruments

A variety of different tools have been developed for comprehensive assessment of older people. These include (but are not limited to):

  • EASY-Care, 
  • InterRAI suite of tools, 
  • FACE (Functional Assessment of the Care Environment for Older People), 
  • Carenap (Care Needs Assessment Package), 
  • CANE (Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly).

Question 4 

Your task is to describe and compare two of the tools listed above, or you can select instruments not listed above. Information about each assessment instrument can be accessed via commercial web sites, but you are also expected to search databases for psychometric studies (i.e., papers which discuss reliability and validity data). When responding to this question, compare things such as the features (or lack of), administration and purpose of each tool. Use literature to support your answer.

Question 5 

Quite often, assessment instruments such as those mentioned in the question prior are used to assess older people from non-English speaking background? What are some of the cultural limitations of using any testing instrument with a client from a non-English speaking background? 

Notebook Activity 3 (20 marks) – Module 4

Question 6

Answer the following question:

Is case management effective to help people with acute and long-term health conditions?

As a starting point for this question, refer to the content presented in module 4 and then conduct a search in the wider academic literature. The question has been left open, so you can approach it from a number of different ways; however, in your answer define what ‘effective’ means, and how it is achieved, and discuss how case management differs for clients with acute and long-term conditions. Support your response with peer-reviewed references and a reference list

What is the HITH program? How might this service benefit Naomi? Note, information to answer this question is not contained in the module content; however, the program is relevant to the case so extend your search.

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