LSC-40049 Medical Microbiology Assessment Brief | Keele University
Assessment Details:
This assignment has two aims:
1. To provide you an opportunity to develop and evidence your ability to evaluate the current and future diagnostics for a specific disease/organism.
2. Introduce you to the benefits and limitations of using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to assist your work.
Module Learning Outcomes:
In this assessment the following module learning outcomes will be assessed:
LO1: Integrate complex knowledge of microorganisms and the human immune system with their associated pathology and clinical findings to assess patient needs
LO2: Critically evaluate professional practice within medical microbiology and relate that to current research and publications
LO3: Critically appraise scientific publications, test methodologies and screening techniques principally within medical microbiology
LO4: Evaluate complex scientific data to accurately interpret and validate clinical findings within medical microbiology
LO5: Critically reflect on the ways in which current understanding of medical microbiology and infection prevention impact on methodological design and patient health
LO6: Justify the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach to assessing patient health and clinical outcomes