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The District of Columbia Early Intervention Program has referred Kaila to you for an evaluation. Kaila is 15 months old. She attends an Early Head Start program. Her mother

Students will complete the case study questions indicated in the calendar of assignments and l. Students will respond to the questions on a Word document with the original question included and will submit for grading. 

The District of Columbia Early Intervention Program has referred Kaila to you for an evaluation. Kaila is 15 months old. She attends an Early Head Start program. Her mother, who is described as having some cognitive limitations, dropped out of high school at 15 years of age and now at 22 is attending a program for adults with developmental disabilities. Her mother is also homeless and lives in transitional housing. Kaila’s mother and her teacher at the Early Head Start program think an evaluation is appropriate. Although she consented to have Kaila evaluated, her mother is not very concerned about Kaila nor her development. She did express some frustration with Kaila’s “fussiness” and her lack of sleeping, however. Kaila’s primary child care provider is extremely concerned about Kaila’s physical growth. Kaila appears very small for her age of 15 months. Kaila’s mother is not sure how much Kaila weighs but did indicate that her pediatrician is following Kaila for her growth. Kaila is described as being a picky eater. She is bottle-fed and is difficult to feed. Although her mother indicated that she has no trouble feeding her at home, the primary child care provider indicated that Kaila often gags and throws up at child care. Kaila’s primary child care provider is also concerned about her temperament. She describes Kaila as having a “flat” affect. Kaila often wants to be held and cries when other children approach her. Her development sounds as though it has been generally slow all around, although not likely 50% delayed. Kaila has just started to walk by herself. She babbles and says “ma ma”. She will wave “bye bye” as well. She will finger feed but will not use a spoon or drink from a cup. Her mother and social worker will accompany Kaila to the evaluation. Her primary child care provider will not be able to attend the scheduled evaluation. 


1. You are assigned to be the service coordinator for this child and family and will have the opportunity to speak with the mother by phone prior to conducting the evaluation. What additional information would you like to obtain prior to conducting the evaluation on Kaila? Based on the information provided above make a list of questions you would like to ask.

 2. What information should you share with Kaila’s mother prior to her visit? 

3. What areas should be addressed during the evaluation and how will you address these areas? 

4. Who should conduct this evaluation?

 5. Do you think there may be any mental health issues described? If so how will these be addressed? 

6. If Kaila is not 50% delayed is it possible that she may still be found eligible for early intervention services? On what basis? 

7. Are there any other community-based personnel you would like to talk to about Kaila and her mother? 

8. Develop a comprehensive care plan that addresses the needs of Kaila. Include in the plan the services that can be utilized to help meet those needs, who should be assigned responsibility for them, and a timeline for plan implementation. 

The District of Columbia Early Intervention Program has referred Kaila to you for an evaluation. Kaila is 15 months old. She attends an Early Head Start program. Her mother
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