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The Best and Brightest Consulting, LLC has hired you and is especially interested in the MS in Organizational Leadership degree that you have achieved. The firm specializes in leadership capacity, power analysis and conflict resolution training. They work worldwide and have clients in 75 countries. 1. Why do you th

Week Four Assignment – Course Paper
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The Best and Brightest Consulting, LLC has hired you and is especially interested in the MS in Organizational Leadership degree that you have achieved. The firm specializes in leadership capacity, power analysis and conflict resolution training. They work worldwide and have clients in 75 countries.
1. Why do you think the company hired you?
2. What is your basic philosophy and approach to working with conflict, power, and negotiation situations?
3. The company proudly proclaims that they train towards compassion and kindness. Why do you think that the firm claims that empathy, kindness, compassion is a priority for conflict resolution approaches?
4. Prior to starting your position, you were asked to participate in an assessment and workshop on emotional intelligence. Why do you think the company had you do the emotional intelligence workshop prior to an assignment with your own team and a client?
5. Add anything else you think would be important as a recently hired, senior level consultant in leadership, power and conflict resolution.
Please answer questions. You may pick at least one topic out of points 2, 3, 4, and 5 to discuss in depth. Please submit a 5 to 10 pages APA style margins and spacing with a header and references to the drop box (Cover page and reference pages are not counted as pages).

The Best and Brightest Consulting, LLC has hired you and is especially interested in the MS in Organizational Leadership degree that you have achieved. The firm specializes in leadership capacity, power analysis and conflict resolution training. They work worldwide and have clients in 75 countries. 1. Why do you th

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