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Task: Critical Analysis of a case study* in the form of an individual written assignment based on three topics from this module. People And Organizati

Unit Title : People And Organizations
Assessment Type : Assignment
Length: 2,500 words, with an absolute maximum of 2,750 words.
Weighting: 100%
Task: Critical Analysis of a case study* in the form of an individual written assignment based on three topics from this module.
People And Organizations Assignment – West England University UK.

People And Organizations Assignment
You must choose ONE topic from the following:
Emotions and Identity
Power and Politics

You must also choose ONE topic from the following:
Strategic Human Resource Management

You may choose your third topic from either of these lists.

Case Study Choice :
You need to choose one of the following case studies to analyse using three of the People and Organisation Topics. Use the information in the case study as a starting point and analyse the situation in the case study. You need to analyse the people aspects of the case not the business aspects. So, for example, consider the culture of the organisation, change management impacts on the people, the ethical issues around the employees, etc. You need to draw on the academic material (literature and theory) from three of the People and Organisation Topics. You must choose material from at least one Organisation Studies topics and at least one from Human Resource Management topics. You may need to source additional information, for example details from the organisation’s web site could give you an indication of the organisation’s culture, their recruitment procedures or HR policies. If you draw on any literature that has already analysed the case organisation you must clearly indicate this by referencing appropriately. Please bear in mind you must not describe the case study, marks will be awarded for your knowledge of the theory and your ability to apply theory to relevant examples. Although you will need to do some additional research on the case study, this should be for the purposes of analysis rather than description.

People And Organizations Assignment – West England University UK.

People And Organizations Assignment
Please see the additional information on Blackboard on how to start with this assignment and the frequently asked questions.

Formatting :
Please use the following file format: Word. We cannot ensure that other formats are compatible with markers’ software and cannot guarantee to mark incorrect formats.

All work should be word processed in 12-point font Arial and single spaced.
The first page of your coursework must include:
a. Your student number
b. The module name and number
c. Your word count
d. The coursework title

Word Limit :
The word limit for this assignment is 2750 words.
1.There is no +/- 10% on word count and anything after the maximum word count will not be marked, in line with UWE Bristol’s Word Count Policy.
2. In line with UWE policy, this word count includes everything in the main body of the text (including headings, tables, citations, quotes, lists, etc.).
3. The references, bibliography and footnotes (provided footnotes only include references) are NOT included in this word count.

Instructions for submission :
You must submit your assignment before the stated deadline by electronic submission through Blackboard. Notification that the electronic submission portal is open for your assignment is displayed (usually two weeks before the submission date) in the Coursework tab in my UWE, the Course work tab in Blackboard and via an announcement in the Blackboard course

Please allow sufficient time to upload your assignment, as the system becomes busier and slower as the deadline approaches. Only your final upload will be counted. Ensure all your information is submitted at one attempt to avoid overwriting your intended submission. Always check and retain your receipts.

Late submission in the 24 hours following the deadline will be accepted but the assignment mark will be capped at a pass. Submissions after 24 hours will not be accepted.

Submissions of coursework by any other method (including a paper copy, on disk or by email) are NOT permissible for this module unless specifically agreed in advance of the submission date.

People And Organizations Assignment – West England University UK.

People And Organizations Assignment
Before submitting your work, please ensure that:
1.You have proof-read you work thoroughly to ensure your work is presented appropriately
2.You have addressed all the required elements of the assessment
3.You have referenced in accordance with the guidance provided
4.You have addressed each of the marking criterion
5.The submission is in the correct format

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Task: Critical Analysis of a case study* in the form of an individual written assignment based on three topics from this module. People And Organizati

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