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Task 1 – Application Development IMPORTANT: You MUST use the university-provided web and database platform accounts to

Task 1 – Application Development

IMPORTANT: You MUST use the university-provided web and database platform accounts to publish your final application. The application must be accessible from a subdirectory of your web root named COM6011.  Submissions hosted on other platforms or evidenced solely by screenshots will be considered unverifiable and will receive no marks.

Application Requirements

Develop a fully functional prototype web application using HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, and SQL for the following scenario:

Create a web interface with a simple content management system (CMS) for an interactive short training or educational course. You are free to select the course topic, whether it’s skateboarding, systems architecture, pottery, interplanetary exploration, or any other subject of your choice. The application must include:

  • programme summary
  • Individual lessons (at least six)
  • Testing or assessment features


  • Include an admin interface for content management (editing, adding, and removing lessons).
  • Your interface may be a multi-page or single-page application, but it must be driven by content stored in a database.
  • User accounts and authentication are not required but can be implemented optionally.
  • No real user data should be included in demo content.

You may include further functionalities at your discretion. However, avoid overly complex implementations, such as creating a course comparable to platforms like tryhackme.com.

Database Operations Requirements

Your application MUST demonstrate user interactions invoking each of the following database operations at least once:

  • Select
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Delete

Development Constraints

  • Build the application from scratch using only the specified languages.
  • DO NOT use HTML, CSS, PHP, or JavaScript frameworks, libraries, or templating solutions (e.g., Bootstrap, React, Tailwind, Laravel, Wix).
  • DO NOT deep-link media assets (images, video, audio) from third-party websites. All assets must be hosted under the COM6011 directory or its subdirectories.
  • Respect licensing agreements for all third-party content. Include licensing details in an appendix.
  • Properly reference any external code used both in source code comments and in the report references section.

Applications found to replicate publicly available tutorials without originality may be considered academic misconduct.

Note: Evidence for grading will include the code appended to your Task 2 report.

Task 2 – Report
Your report should include the following sections:

  1. Cover Page
    • Use the standard Arden assignment cover page.
  2. Table of Contents
    • Include clear page numbers for each section.
  3. Introduction
    • Provide the primary URL of your web application.
    • Include URLs for secondary interfaces (e.g., admin panels).
    • Write an approximately 300-word description of your application, including key functionalities and optional screenshots.
  4. Application Structure
    • Write a 400-word explanation detailing your application`s structure based on an n-tier/n-layer architecture.
    • Use diagrams and file/directory structure breakdowns to illustrate component interactions.
    • Avoid generic definitions of n-tier architecture; focus specifically on your application’s structure.
  5. Critical Review and Recommendations
    • Write a 500-word analysis appraising your application’s architecture, code structure, functionality, usability, and accessibility.
    • Provide recommendations for future improvements.
  6. References
    • Include a full list of sources in AU Harvard style, including code references and third-party assets.
  7. Appendices
    • Include all source code:
      • SQL statements
      • HTML
      • CSS
      • PHP
      • JavaScript
      • Third-party content licenses

Assessment Criteria

Grade Mark Bands Criteria
First (1) 80%+ Outstanding knowledge, originality, and exceptional management of resources. Work exceeds the brief and demonstrates exceptional academic and professional skills.
First (1) 70-79% Excellent originality, confidence, and analysis. Exceptional structure and referencing. High academic and intellectual standards.
Upper Second (2:1) 60-69% Very good analysis and structure with evidence of self-directed research and critical thought.
Lower Second (2:2) 50-59% Good understanding with sound competence in resource management. Some analysis and planning present.
Third (3) 40-49% Satisfactory but limited understanding. Minimal analysis and basic resource management.
Marginal Fail 30-39% Limited work with clear gaps in knowledge and structure. Weak academic and intellectual skills.
Fail 29% and below Poor performance with significant knowledge gaps and weak academic skills

Task 1 – Application Development IMPORTANT: You MUST use the university-provided web and database platform accounts to

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