students are required to reply to at least two of their classmates and/or instructor. Replies should be 75-100 words. The following is the correct class textbook APA citation format (freely cut and paste it, yet remember to provide in-text citations where appropriate): Alvarez, L. (2018).

Students are required to post their initial response, which is to be 325-400 words, and use the class textbook along with proper APA citation format. In addition, students are required to reply to at least two of their classmates and/or instructor. Replies should be 75-100 words. The following is the correct class textbook APA citation format (freely cut and paste it, yet remember to provide in-text citations where appropriate):
Alvarez, L. (2018). Principles and procedures of the justice system. Santa Clarita, CA: College of the Canyons Answer the following question:
• When is Miranda compliance compulsory? CREATE a real-world fact pattern where Miranda compliance is compulsory. Explain one of the various exceptions and identify how there could be a ‘Miranda Exception’ to your fact pattern (p. 329 in the textbook [p. 356 in the .pdf]).
• Your fellow students will critique your real-world example re: Does the student legally identify the ‘Miranda Exception’ to the proffered fact pattern?
Submission Instructions:
Please post your initial response by 23:59 CST Thursdays of Week 1, and comment on the posts of two classmates by 23:59 CST Sunday.

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