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Research current legislation and statutory guidance to: Explain the term Special Educational Needs and Disability in relation to statutory guidance. Outline the requirements of the SEND Code of Practice for an Early Years setting in line with statutory requirements. This could be evidenced through a work product such as a policy that has been reviewed or a presentation for a staff update. Task 2

Research current legislation and statutory guidance to: Explain the term Special Educational Needs and Disability in relation to statutory guidance.

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This unit is about the Roles and responsibilities of the Special Educational Needs Coordinator in the Early Years sector/setting.

Task 1

Research current legislation and statutory guidance to:

  • Explain the term Special Educational Needs and Disability in relation to statutory guidance.
  • Outline the requirements of the SEND Code of Practice for an Early Years setting in line with statutory requirements.

This could be evidenced through a work product such as a policy that has been reviewed or a presentation for a staff update.

Task 2

Refer to information found in The Role of the Early Years SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) document, then evaluate the role of the SENCo in private, voluntary and independent early years settings.

Review own processes and policy to:

Explain the responsibilities of the Early Years SENCo with sharing best practice and raising colleagues’ confidence while working with children with SEND.

Task 3
Supporting the needs of children with SEND:

  • Research the Local Offer relevant to own setting and explore the services available for children and families.
  • Describe support available for the Early Years SENCo from other professionals, agencies and services. It may help to evaluate own provision to identify any gaps and how these may be filled (see below extensive list of professionals to include).
  • Explain the role of the SENCo during transition.
  • Explain how information sharing with others within and beyond the setting contributes to effective transition and supports achievement of agreed outcomes.

Task 4

Carry out own review of SEND provision within own setting to:

  • Describe how high and low incidence of Special Educational Needs are identified.
  • Use examples to describe each of the areas of need identified below:
  • –  communication and interaction
  • –  cognition and learning
  • –  social, emotional and mental health difficulties
  • –  sensory and/or physical needs.

Case studies and/or examples from own practice may be included here as appropriate.

  • Describe characteristics of different types of Special Educational Need to include:

– high incidence.

– low incidence.

  • Describe processes for early identification and action for children with SEND in accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage.
  • List examples of adjustment strategies and interventions for supporting the learning of children with different types of SEN to ensure positive learning outcomes.

Professionals and services in relation to SENCo:

  • sensory support services
  • specialist teachers
  • speech and language therapist
  • occupational therapist
  • physiotherapist
  • Independent Advice and Support Services (IASS)
  • local voluntary agencies who provide support to families
  • social care services
  • area SENCo inclusion officer or equivalent where available.

Useful websites and resources:






Task 1:

Research Current Legislation and Statutory Guidance

Explain the term Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) in relation to statutory guidance

The term Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) refers to children and young people who have a learning difficulty or disability that necessitates special educational provision, which is different from or additional to that provided generally to children of the same age. This definition is set out in the Children and Families Act 2014 and is further clarified in the SEND Code of Practice (2015).

Children with SEND may have difficulties in various areas, such as communication and interaction, cognition and learning, social, emotional, and mental health, or sensory and physical needs. Statutory guidance, such as the Equality Act 2010, also enshrines protections for children with disabilities, ensuring that early years settings make reasonable adjustments to accommodate their needs and avoid discrimination.

Outline the requirements of the SEND Code of Practice for an Early Years setting in line with statutory requirements

The SEND Code of Practice (2015) sets out the statutory framework for meeting the needs of children with SEND from birth to 25 years of age. Early years settings have several key obligations under this framework:

  1. Early Identification: Early years providers must have clear procedures for identifying children with SEND. This includes monitoring progress, conducting assessments, and working closely with parents and external professionals to address concerns early.
Research current legislation and statutory guidance to: Explain the term Special Educational Needs and Disability in relation to statutory guidance. Outline the requirements of the SEND Code of Practice for an Early Years setting in line with statutory requirements. This could be evidenced through a work product such as a policy that has been reviewed or a presentation for a staff update. Task 2

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