12. Apply technology and information management tools to support safe processes of care.
Student assignment: Please refer the document & link below regarding the scope and standards of practice
MN BON NursePracticeAct2013.pd
- Read the ANA Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice information provided from Goodwin University.Evaluate your own performance with examples based on the standards of care.
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- ReadtheMNNursePracticeAct.Give2examplesofhowyouadheredtotheNursePractice Act within the student nurse role.
- Identifywhatproceduresyouperformedthatwereconsistentwithyourcurrentlevelof knowledge and skill.
- Identifythescopeofpracticeandrolesofhealthcareteammembers.Pleaseprovideproper in-text citations for these team members.