Lorrie is 16 years old and 75 pounds overweight. Her father is a school bus driver who was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Her mother works for a sewing company. She is overweight with high LDL levels. She is taking two antihypertensive medications at present time. At a recent health science fair at Lorrie’s school, a student-led screening clinic documented Lorrie’s blood pressure at 140/92 mm Hg. The family immigrated from Honduras 5 years ago and they do not have health insurance.
During health science fair, the following data was recorded: 55% of the students with BMI 25.0 to <30 and 15% of the students with BMI 30.0 or higher.
Consider yourself a community health nurse.
(The research paper is not a question-and-answer document / format. Use the following questions as a guidance for your research paper).
- Is obesity a major health issue in the United States?
- According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NCHS, CDC; BRFSS, 2012), how is obesity defined?
- What is your role as a community nurse?
- What risk factors should be explored for Lorrie’s family for cardiovascular disease? Mention social determinants of health in this case. Incorporate the concepts of health promotion and risk reduction.
- Would you apply any of the behavioral change models to address health promotion and risk reduction in this case (theoretical frameworks of behavioral change / models discussed on Chapter 5 of textbook). Describe your selection.
- Public health nurses use statistics to demonstrate the need for obesity program development and community interventions. According to the most recent CDC data: What data were identified about obesity in children and adults?
- Is there a necessity of planning a community nursing intervention? How will you do that? Will you work alone or in collaboration / teamwork? Will you look for funding? How?
- If you decide to do a community intervention. How would you evaluate the community-level intervention(s)?
- Will you use social marketing to change health behaviors or beliefs, social or cultural norms, or community standards to improve health or benefit society. Which resources will you use?
- Mention research studies that support any of the above (1 through 9) (mention at least 3 research studies in the paper).
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