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NR 400: Community-Based Nursing Healthy People Assignment Guideline and Rubric Overview: Healthy People 2030 The Healthy People project is a collection of national health objectives that serve to inform community

NR 400: Community-Based Nursing

Healthy People Assignment Guideline and Rubric

Overview: Healthy People 2030

The Healthy People project is a collection of national health objectives that serve to inform community and public health departments by identifying preventable threats to health and establishing national goals to reduce health threats.

Visit the Healthy People website at: http://www.healthypeople.gov. Click on Healthy People 2030 and locate answers to the following questions about the project:

1. What is Healthy People 2030 and how was it developed? (10 points)

2. List the four overarching goals? (4 points)

3. In your own words, briefly explain what each goal means. (8 points)

4. Discuss the 4 foundation health measures: General Health Status, Health-Related

Quality of Life and Well-Being, Determinants of Health and Disparities using the

following guide

a. Briefly describe all the measures of progress listed under each foundation

health measure. (20 points)

b. For each foundation measure category, select any one measure of progress and briefly discuss what it means and how it can be used to evaluate the foundation health measure category (15 points)

5. Identify one health problem that you have observed in your local community briefly describe it. How big of a problem is it and who does it affect most and why? (10 points)

6. Go to the Home page again and click on Topics and Objectives. Then click on Public

Health Infrastructure.

a. Briefly describe the mission and importance of Public Health Infrastructure. (2 points)

b. List the three key elements and give an example of each. (3 points)

7. Using the 10 essential public health services, describe how as a nurse you can use each of the ten essential public health services to manage the health problem you have

identified in your local community. (20 points)

8. Mechanics, APA format and quality of presentation and writing (8 points)

NR 400: Community-Based Nursing

Healthy People Assignment Guideline and Rubric


Assignment Section and
Required Criteria

possible/% of total
points available)

Highest Level
of Performance

High Level of Performance

Satisfactory Level
of Performance

Unsatisfactory Level
of Performance

Section not present
in paper


(22 points/22%)



0 points

Required criteria

Description of Healthy People 2030

How it was developed

Description of overarching goals


3 requirements for section.

Includes 1-2
requirement for section.

No requirements for this section

Foundation health measures (35 points/35%)

35 points

30 points

20 points

15 points

0 points

Required criteria

of all measures and one measure of progress for each

Health Status


of Life and Well-Being

 Determinants of Health and Disparities

Includes 4 requirements for section.

Includes 3 requirements for section.

Includes 2
requirements for section.

Includes 1
requirement for section.

No requirements for this section presented.

Problem in Local Community

(15 points/15%)

15 points

10 points

8 points

0 points

Required criteria

1.   Description of problem

2.   Affected population

Description of public health infrastructures

Three elements listed with examples

4 requirements for section.

Includes 3
requirements for section.

Includes 1
requirement for section.

No requirements for this section presented.

Public health service (20 points/20%)

20 points

15 points

10 points

0 points

Described how nurse can use each of the 10 services


all requirements for section.

Includes less than 8 requirements for section.

Includes less than 5 requirement for section.

No requirements for this section presented.

APA Format
and Writing Mechanics

(8 points/10%)

8 points

6 points

5 points

4 points

0 points

Correct use of standard English grammar and sentence structure

No spelling or typographical errors

Document includes title
and reference pages

Citations in the text and reference page

Includes 4 requirements for section.

Includes 3 requirements for section.

Includes 2
requirements for section.

Includes 1
requirement for section.

No requirements for this section presented.

Total Points Possible = 100

NR 400: Community-Based Nursing Healthy People Assignment Guideline and Rubric Overview: Healthy People 2030 The Healthy People project is a collection of national health objectives that serve to inform community

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