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Module 2: Reflect on the attraction theories covered in Chapter 4 and 6. What attracts you to another person? How do these theories of attraction apply to the characteristics you fine attractive? Module 3: For journal entry

Journal Article Prompts
Module 1:
For Journal Entry 1, you should write 1-2 pages describing how attachment theory applies to your own adult relationships. You might want to visit the website below and complete the Relationship Questionnaire to measure your own attachment style.
Module 2:
Reflect on the attraction theories covered in Chapter 4 and 6. What attracts you to another person? How do these theories of attraction apply to the characteristics you fine attractive?
Module 3:
For journal entry 3, analyze a current or past romantic relationship. Consider the different theories of love discussed in chapter 10. Which theory best exemplified this relationship? Which types of love were present in your relationship with this person? You might want to complete the abbreviated version of the Love Attitudes Scale at the link below:
Module 4:
Earlier in the module, you completed the Sexual Attitudes Scale. Reflect on your own sexual attitude and explain how these attitudes influence your own romantic relationships. Why might communication also be important to sexual aspect of the relationship?
Module 5:

There are six relationship maintenance strategies that we can use to help maintain the quality of our relationship (Hendrick, 2005). These strategies include the following:
• Assurances: expression of commitment, faithfulness, & love
• Network: social network involvement
• Openness: disclosure & other communication
• Positivity: displaying a positive attitude
• Tasks: sharing daily/household chores
• Minding: caretaking, staying close, renewin attachments, attending to partner (like a combination of all; or “love in action”) Identify relationship maintenance strategies that are important to your romantic relationship. Also, use the results of the self-disclosure survey to evaluate a current close personal relationship.
Module 6:
Using your results on the Romantic Partner Conflict Scale (Zacchilli, Hendrick, & Hendrick, 2009), reflect on the conflict strategies that you typically use. How do these conflict styles affect other aspects of your romantic relationship?
Module 7:
Part 1: Breakups:
For the first journal entry this week, please apply the stages of breakup and relationship dissolution to a past relationship experience. Provide examples of how these stages applied in your own relationship.
Part 2: Bereavement:
Reflect on a bereavement experience. This loss can be a break-up, divorce, loss of a friendship, or death. Think about how you felt when you experienced the loss. Where were you? What would you tell the person today? You may write this as a regular journal entry or as a letter. Consider how you coped with this loss in your response.
Module 8:
Reflect on your experiences with diverse relationships and how your attitudes regarding them been shaped over time.
Also, include a final journal entry in which you reflect on the process of writing this journal this term (e.g., what have you learned about your romantic relationships?).

Textbook for course: Close Relationships by Pamela Regan

Module 2: Reflect on the attraction theories covered in Chapter 4 and 6. What attracts you to another person? How do these theories of attraction apply to the characteristics you fine attractive? Module 3: For journal entry

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