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MIS761 Cyber Security Strategies Task 2 Assignment | Deakin University MIS761 – Cyber Security Strategies Trimester 3, 2025 Assessment Task 2 – Group Assignment: Cyber Security Review

MIS761 Cyber Security Strategies Task 2 Assignment | Deakin University

MIS761 – Cyber Security Strategies 

Trimester 3, 2025 

Assessment Task 2 – Group Assignment: 

Cyber Security Review 

DUE DATE AND TIME: 27th Jan. 2025, 8 PM (AEDT) 


HURDLE DETAILS: No Assignment Hurdle 

Learning Outcome Details 

Unit Learning Outcome (ULO) 

Graduate Learning Outcome  (GLO)

ULO3: Apply relevant security policies and technologies in the  creation of cybersecurity solutions that align with an organisation’s business goals and aspirations.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge  and capabilities. 

GLO5: Problem solving.

ULO4: Develop adaptive solutions for authentic and real-world  security issues within an organisation’s cybersecurity service management.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge  and capabilities. 

GLO4: Critical thinking. 

GLO5: Problem solving.

Assessment Feedback: 

Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their Marks and Feedback within 15  Working Days on Cloud Deakin. 

Assignment Description/Requirements 

Thisis a group assignment, and you must be a member of and contribute to the group effort in order to submit your assignment and receive a mark. 

You are required to work in groups of two-three (2-3) students. Your overall task is to conduct a  comprehensive cybersecurity review of a real-life business entity, which you will source yourselves.  This involves using a structured questionnaire derived from the NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0.  Your task will be to assess the current cybersecurity posture of the business, develop a target profile  that aligns with its business needs and regulatory environment, and propose a detailed action plan to  address identified gaps. You should present your review in the form of a Business Report in the format  provided in Report Structure and Layout Format below. 

IMPORTANT: There is NO random assignment for this project. If you are unable to find teammates,  you will be required to complete the project individually, with all requirements and assessment criteria  remaining unchanged. 

The maximum word count for the report is 3500 +/- 10% words. (Note that Reference List, Appendices  and Tables are not included in the word count) 

Team Meetings 

Your team is required to meet (virtually or physically) regularly. You must conduct the meetings at a  mutually agreed upon time. 

Each team member is expected to attend and contribute to each meeting or offer a valid apology if  absent.  

NOTE: It is strongly advised that you use Microsoft Teams for all communications (Deakin  University’s Office 365 subscription provides Teams to all students). 

IMPORTANT: You are required to document (i.e., record meeting minutes) your meeting discussions  and decisions. This includes meeting details (e.g. date, time, who was present for the meeting,  absentees/apologies, action items and deadlines, allocated team members etc.) including regular  inter-team communications. 

The topics that should be covered in these Meetings are as follows:  

• List who is Chairing the meeting, attendees, apologies and non-attendees (why?). • Each member is to report back on action items, progress and deliverable outcomes completed.  • Describe what tasks you are currently working on? 

• Discuss what you plan to do next? 

• Identify any roadblocks you are facing as a group and as individuals? 

• Discuss and develop possible resolutions, noting assigned/reassigned personnel resources. 

Remember the essence of these meetings is that they are short and sharp and let the team know what  everyone is working on at any given time, what the potential roadblocks are and if there are any major  issues that need to be addressed. 

In addition to your team meetings, time will be allocated in some of our seminars for you to work on  the assignment. 

You need to provide evidence of your team meetings in the final project report documenting team 

attendance and 2 key outcomes from each meeting. The meeting minutes are presented in the  report Appendix. 

Selecting a Business Organisation to Investigate 

If you are in doubt about the suitability of the organisation which you have chosen, please check with  your Tutor as early as possible. The business owner or a manager from the organisation MUST also  approve your review and will need to sign the Letter of Consent (please refer to Report Structure and  Layout Format below). 

Some suggested types of businesses/organisations for this review are: 

• A family business or other small business; 

• A community library, sporting association or other NGO/NPO; 

• A department within a larger business; 

Note: The organization does not need to be located in Australia. 

Hint for Entity Selection: The key consideration is whether you can gather sufficient evidence to assess  and score the categories across the six functions of the NIST CSF 2.0 framework. To help determine  this, consider the following questions: 

• Does the organization have logical assets that could potentially be targeted or stolen? • Does it use networking technologies to interact with staff, supply chains, or loyal customers? • Does it have an IT infrastructure with potential concerns about data breaches or unauthorized  access? 

Positive answers to these questions suggest that the organization would be a suitable candidate for  your analysis. 

Data Collection 

For this assessment, you will evaluate the business’s cybersecurity practices using a detailed  questionnaire that aligns with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework. The questionnaire covers 22  categories across the six functions of the framework. You are required to: 

Rate Each Category: Assess and score each category on a scale from 0-4, based on the degree  to which the business has implemented the corresponding cybersecurity measures. • Document Findings: For each statement in the questionnaire, provide not only a score but  also a description of how the business demonstrates compliance or falls short of the  framework’s criteria. Use NIST’s Implementation Examples as a reference to understand  potential ways of meeting each criterion. Remember, these examples are not exhaustive, and  deviation from them does not automatically imply a failure to meet the standard. • Customize the Questionnaire: Consider tailoring the questionnaire to include additional  questions on specific subcategories that are particularly relevant to your target profile analysis.  This customization will allow for deeper investigation into areas of keen interest or concern. 

Data collection can be conducted through various methods, including face-to-face, email, or phone  interviews with key personnel such as the managing director, business owner, or IT manager. This  flexibility allows you to engage with businesses remotely if necessary, such as those located in different  countries. Real-time interviews are highly recommended as they allow for immediate follow-up questions, providing deeper insights into the business’s cybersecurity practices and the rationale  behind them. Additionally, consider exploring the business organization’s website and any policy  documents provided by the organization to supplement your findings. This approach ensures a  comprehensive understanding of the business’s cybersecurity practices and the contextual factors  influencing them. 

IMPORTANT: Solely relying on public information (e.g., company website) without interviewing  internal personnel will not provide a report of sufficient quality. A comprehensive understanding of  the business’s cybersecurity practices requires direct insights from key personnel and access to  internal context not available publicly.

Assignment Business Report 


Your business report is intended for your group’s client business owner/manager. Therefore, the style  and tone of the report should take this into consideration. You should write the report in a professional business style, selecting appropriate fonts and styles and writing in a constructive (non critical) manner appropriate to be read by the business owner or manager. 

We suggest you review this resource at the outset:  

Report Structure and Layout Format 

Your business report should consist of the following sections. 

Title Page 


You MUST include the following disclaimer on a separate page (see below). 


This report, including any recommendations contained therein, was prepared for the purposes of  academic assessment in Deakin University’s unit: 

• MIS761 – Cyber Security Strategies. 

It should not be relied upon, or used in any way as a basis for making any “real-life” commercial  decisions. 

The assistance of (insert pseudonym of organisation) in providing us with access to its staff and  records in the course of researching the report is gratefully acknowledged. For confidentiality and  privacy, any identifying details of the organization have been intentionally de-identified. 

Copyright © 2024 (insert names of students) All rights reserved. 

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any  form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the  prior written permission of the author.

Letter of Consent 

You MUST submit the signed Letter of Consent to by Dec 20, 2024 (Week 7): 

Dept. of Information Systems and Business Analytics  

Deakin Business School, Faculty of Business and Law  

Deakin University 



Dr. Wilson Li 

Dept. of Information Systems and Business Analytics  

Deakin University 

221 Burwood Hwy 

Burwood 3125 

Phone: (03) 9244 6370 

Email: wilson.li@deakin.edu.au 

……. / ……. / 2024 

Dear Wilson, 

I/we hereby give permission for the following students: 




to review the cybersecurity aspects of our business organisation: 

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. to fulfill the Assignment requirements for MIS761. 

I/we have read the Assignment requirements, and understand that: 

• The final report will use a pseudonym for our organization and will contain de-identified  information to minimize any recognition of our organization.  

• The signed Letter of Consent will be submitted to a secure system accessible only to  the unit chair (Dr. Wilson Li) and will not be included in the final report.  

• The students will adhere to professional standards and handle all information responsibly  throughout the review process. 

I/we expect to receive a copy of the final assignment report, containing the results of the review, during the week beginning 17th February 2025. 

Yours sincerely, 

……………………………………………………….. (signed) 

……………………………………………………….. (Please Print Name) 

……………………………………………………….. (Work email address)

Executive Summary (approximately 150 words) 

Provide an overview of key findings from the review, intended for the business owner. Table of Contents (separate page) 

Introduction (approximately 100 words) 

Provide an overview of the following: 

• Introduction to the cyber security resilience review. 

• The organisation name, industry, location and brief business background. 

• Scope, aims and constraints for the review. 

Report Body: Business Background and Context (approximately 450 words) 

Provide a description of the organisational context in terms of potential organisational influences on  cyber security strategy, including: 

Business Profile and Strategic Goals: Provide an overview of the business, including its  mission and vision, the products and services it offers, and its strategic goals. This summary  should illustrate the business’s aspirations, market positioning, and how it plans to grow and  innovate. This foundation helps align cybersecurity strategies to the business’s overall  objectives. 

Regulatory and Compliance Landscape: Outline the regulatory, compliance, and industry specific requirements that influence business strategy. Discuss how legal obligations, industry  standards, and expectations from stakeholders (such as customers, business partners, and  regulators) impact strategic planning and cybersecurity needs, ensuring that the business  maintains trust and meets its obligations within the market. 

Threat Landscape: Provide a general description of the threat landscape the business faces,  considering factors such as the industry, region, and size of the business. Highlight specific  threats that are more prevalent or damaging given the business’s operational context. 

Organizational Resources: Discuss the resources available to the business that may influence  its cybersecurity strategy. This includes financial, personnel, and technological resources.  Note any limitations or strengths that could impact cybersecurity planning and execution.  

General description of the threat landscape the business faces (consider the industry, region,  size). 

Report Body: Review of Current and Target Profile of Cyber Security Posture (approximately 1700  words) 

Current Profile

• Summarize the business’s existing cybersecurity postures across all six NIST functions (Govern,  Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover). For each function, provide an overall rating  based on category-level scores from the questionnaire and explain the rationale behind these  scores. Avoid repeating detailed justifications for each category; direct readers to the  appendix for more in-depth information if needed. 

• Describe how the business currently achieves or falls short in each function, detailing specific  practices, technologies, and policies in place. You may summarize or directly quote from the 

questionnaire responses (e.g., “Refer to Answer to Qxx”) to support your points. 

• Highlight both strengths and weaknesses, providing a comprehensive view of the  cybersecurity landscape of the business. 

• Additionally, discuss the underlying reasons why the firm is succeeding or failing in these  areas, examining factors like resource allocation, employee training, and technology adoption. 

Target Profile

• Focus on three selected NIST functions. This analysis should reflect the business’s unique  context, including its threat environment, regulatory requirements, and strategic business  objectives.  

• In developing the target profile, consider the organization’s risk tolerance and anticipate  changes to its cybersecurity posture that may arise from new business requirements (e.g.,  demands from current clients, prospective customers, and/or business partners), regulatory  changes, adoption of new technologies, and evolving trends in cybersecurity threat  intelligence. Define clear cybersecurity goals that are responsive to these dynamic factors,  ensuring the proposed measures are robust yet adaptable to anticipated changes.  

• This profile should articulate a vision for enhanced cybersecurity practices that align with both  immediate needs and future challenges, emphasizing a proactive approach to security  planning. 

Report Body: Gap Analysis and Action Plan (approximately 1000 words) 

• Identify and discuss the most significant gaps between the current and target profiles. Offer a  holistic perspective on these gaps (i.e., evaluating how identified gaps are interconnected and  might affect various aspects of the organization), considering potential risks and the impact of  not addressing these issues.  

• Develop a detailed action plan to bridge these gaps, including specific initiatives, technologies  to be adopted, policy changes, or training programs. Refer to the NIST CSF 2.0 Informative  References and Implementation Examples to gain deeper insights and practical examples that  can guide your development of effective strategies. 

• Define clear metrics for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed improvements and  ensure that the action plan is actionable within 18 months. 

• When proposing realistic timelines and budgets, include actual figures provided during  interviews with the business or, if not available, base your estimates on a well-informed  understanding of the business’s resources, including leadership support, financial capacity,  and talent/personnel availability.  

Conclusion (approximately 100 words) 

Conclude the report, highlighting your main findings and immediate prioritised recommendations. 

Appendix A: Reference List 

You must correctly use the APA7 style of referencing, and include in-text citations when quoting, referring to, summarising, or paraphrasing from any sources and tools: 

Appendix B: Questionnaire Results 

Please include the questionnaire answers (with the scores and a summarized finding for each  question to support your assessment of the score) 

Appendix C: Team Meeting Minutes

Appendix D: Provide a statement of the contribution made by each group member. This statement  should be agreed upon and considered by all respective group members. 

Student Name 

Student ID 

Contribution (%)

Other Appendices may be attached as needed.

Submission Instructions 

You must submit your assignment in Word file format in the Assignment Dropbox in the unit Cloud Deakin  site on or before the due date (8pm on 27th January 2025). When uploading your assignment, name your  document using the following syntax: <GroupNum_MIS761_Assignment2.doc (or ‘.docx’). For example,  ‘Group_MIS761_Assignment2.doc’. 

IMPORTANT: Before submitting the final report, you are required to submit interim files according to the  timeline below. These files will support the assessment of “Report Presentation and Submission Progress” in  your rubric. No extensions will be granted for submitting these progress files. Please submit each interim file  to the Assignment Dropbox, with the exception of the Signed Letter of Consent and Questionnaire Results,  which should be submitted via. 

Progress File 

File Name 

Submission Deadline

Team Minutes 1 


Dec 6, 2024 Week 5

Signed Letter of Consent 


Dec 20, 2024 Week 7

Questionnaire Results 


Dec 20, 2024 Week 7

Team Minutes 2 


Dec 20, 2024 Week 7

Draft of Current Profile 


Jan 10, 2025 Week 8

Draft of Target Profile 


Jan 17, 2025 Week 9

Team Minutes 3 


Jan 17, 2025 Week 9

Draft of Gap Analysis and Action Plan 


Jan 24, 2025 Week 10

Note: While you may create multiple sets of Team Minutes, only three are required to be submitted  before the final report deadline. All Team Minutes must be attached within the final report. 

Submitting a hard copy of this assignment is not required. You must keep a backup copy of every  assignment you submit until the marked assignment has been returned to you. In the unlikely event that  one of your assignments is misplaced you will need to submit your backup copy. 

Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion  and/or plagiarism and for authenticating work. 

When you submit an assignment through your Cloud Deakin unit site, you will receive an email to your  Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that you can see your  assignment in the Submissions view of the Assignment Dropbox folder after upload and check for, and  keep, the email receipt for the submission. 

Marking and feedback 

The marking rubric indicates the assessment criteria for this task. It is available in the Cloud Deakin unit site  in the Assessment folder, under Assessment Resources. Criteria act as a boundary around the task and  help specify what assessors are looking for in your submission. The criteria are drawn from the ULOs and  align with the GLOs. You should familiarise yourself with the assessment criteria before completing and  submitting this task. 

Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on Cloud Deakin 15  working days after the submission date. 


Extensions can only be granted for exceptional and/or unavoidable circumstances outside of your control.  Requests for extensions must be made by 12 noon on the submission date using the online Extension Request form under the Assessment tab on the unit CloudDeakin site. All requests for extensions should be supported by appropriate evidence (e.g., a medical certificate in the case of ill health). 

MIS761 Cyber Security Strategies Task 2 Assignment | Deakin University MIS761 – Cyber Security Strategies Trimester 3, 2025 Assessment Task 2 – Group Assignment: Cyber Security Review

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