Law enforcement professionals have a particularly stressful job and emotional intelligence (EI) can help them to manage their stress. Possessing a high level of EI enables law enforcement professionals to better pick up on cues from suspects and victims, to better read crime scenes and investigations, and to better problem solve and think critically. Most people have room to improve in terms of their EI, and law enforcement professionals are no exception. Training is crucial to help law enforcement professionals increase their EI.
(9–12 slides, not including title and reference slides, plus narration or speaker notes)
Assume the role of a forensic psychology professional who has been tasked with presenting to an audience of law enforcement about de-escalation, including the cognitive processes involved and the evidence-based strategies utilized.
Create a PowerPoint presentation (with narration or detailed speaker notes) in which you address the following:
Title (1 slide)
Include title and your name.
EI Competencies (3–4 slides)
Provide a brief overview for each of the following competencies as it relates to law enforcement:
Stress tolerance
Social awareness
Relationship management
Emotional management
EI Strategies (6–8 slides)
For each of the following topics, identify at least one relevant, related competency and two strategies to help law enforcement officers foster positive outcomes.
Dangerous criminal activities
Life or death scenarios
Racial bias
Excessive responses/reactions
Lack of empathy
References (1–2 slides)
Cite the sources you used to support your presentation.
Make sure that your PowerPoint presentation reflects graduate-level writing and presentation standards, including professional-looking graphics and appropriate type style.
Use this week’s Learning Resources, as well as the five or more recent (within the last 10 years), peer-reviewed articles you identified to support your presentation. Use proper APA format and style for all references and citations.
Practice your script before recording your narration. Make sure when you record, you speak clearly and slowly; you have appropriate lighting, camera clarity/angle, and background; and you are in professional attire. Also, make sure your narration aligns to each PowerPoint slide as it appears.
If you choose not to provide narration for your presentation, instead include detailed speaker notes, as follows:
Under each slide, in the notes section, write detailed speaker notes for each slide to complement the slide content.
Your speaker notes should be clear, in-depth, and function as augmentation to the slide material.
Your speaker notes should be written with sufficient depth to allow someone else to deliver the presentation.