Introduction to Executive Summary and Business Plan Assignment Mini-Lesson to Accompany Assignment Modules 9-12 are meant to further educate you on data analytics, clinical decision support systems, the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare settings, and quality and safety reporting. These modules will provide you with additional foundational knowledge to build an executive summary and business plan to implement an informatics-based clinical practice change, quality improvement, or process improvement project. The audience for this assignment is executives at your organization who will participate in the decision to support your proposed improvement. Therefore, a strong case needs to be articulated as to why the clinical problem is truly problematic, how the problem could be fixed, what resources need be allocated to the change, and the benefits of moving forward with the change. Your business plan should contain strong recommendations to support the project implementation and sustainability. You may choose to use the project outlined in your Workflow Redesign Project as a basis for your Executive Summary and Business Plan. I will attach mow own past Workflow Redesign Project. Stakeholders and Project Teams Stakeholders may be both internal and external to the organization and have an interest in the project’s design and success. Stakeholders are considered during the project development phase because stakeholders are crucial to influence as they help chart the course of the project. It is also important to identify the stakeholders that are likely to be supportive or resistant to a change and understand their level of influence and power to either support or derail a project. When working on a clinical improvement project, relationship management is as important as possessing the knowledge to implement a well-designed process (Silver et al., 2016). An important exercise to complete when working on the stakeholders section of your Executive Summary and Business Plan is a stakeholder analysis. This exercise assists you to identify the internal and external stakeholders and then determine which stakeholders are necessary to include on your project team. Your project team will consist of the following roles: a team lead, technical experts, clinical/system leader, improvement advisor, and executive sponsor. The below resources are required readings to provide definitions for stakeholders, project teams, team leads, technical experts, clinical leaders, improvement advisors, and executive sponsors. They also provide a strong review of process improvement methodologies and the basics of how to design a quality improvement project. The stakeholder analysis exercise will be helpful to you as you build your stakeholder and project team membership. Stakeholder and Project Teams Resources (to use) What’s in a Budget? For the purpose of this assignment, you will be listing the line items to consider in a full budget proposal. The line items do not need to include costs, unless you are able to access this information easily at your organization. This assignment is meant to expand your thought processes regarding budgeting and consideration of the costs that will be incurred due to supply and training needs. Due to time constraints and the nature of this course, the budget will not require calculation of cost avoidance, cost of implementation, and return on investment. The below articles provide information to consider when making a budget. They also discuss return on investment and cost avoidance calculations. The Opperman article demonstrates how literature may be synthesized to understand the average cost of a harm or clinical event. Cost information from the literature or a government organization is great to include as a case for why your problem is of clinical importance and why administration should invest in the proposed project. Budget Resources BOOK DETAIL ISSN: 2169-9798 EISSN: 2169-981X DOI: 10.1097/NND.0000000000000483 PMID: 30048386 Sustaining a Practice or Process Change The most difficult part of project facilitation is sustaining the implemented change, hardwiring practices, and continuously measuring the results of the change. The Recommendations section of your Executive Summary and Business Plan should include what is needed to secure operational support for the project along with your plans to sustain the change and measure success after the change is implemented. The project planner should consider the support that is necessary to embed processes into practice, create enduring expectations, and ensure formal procedures are available for staff to access. The following resources are helpful for the Recommendations section of the assignment. These resources provide concrete ideas to assist in formulating strong implementation and sustainability recommendations to senior leadership. Stakeholder and Project Teams Resources Executive Summary and Business Plan Assignment Access the following documents for the assignment description, an annotated version of the assignment description with helpful hints, and ideas for charts to embed in the assignment. The “chart ideas” document also contains an example of the “Recommendations” section. (BLUEPRINT OF ESSAY) Attached is my own pervious work and aim statement. As well as grading rubric for this assignment If any additional information needed or questions please message me!
Introduction to Executive Summary and Business Plan Assignment Mini-Lesson to Accompany Assignment Modules 9-12 are meant to further educate you on data analytics, clinical decision support systems, the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare settings, and quality and safety reporting. These modules will provide you with additional foundational knowledge to build an executive summary and business plan to implement an informatics-based clinical practice change, quality improvement, or process