In this case study and writing assignment, you argue whether the EEOC should proceed to file a discrimination lawsuit against a manufacturer for gender discrimination.Your essay should be between 250 and 700 words, double-spaced, with student
name and course section indicated at top.
- Your essay should be between 250 and 700 words.
- 250 words is the absolute minimum. A response of only 250 words will seldom result in a high score.
- 700 words is the maximum allowable word count.
- Use Courier Font, Size 12
- All Essays will be submitted through Canvas only. Hardcopies will not be submitted.
- Submit as a file upload in a WORD DOCUMENT only.
- Spelling and Grammer count
- Organization of your thoughts is critical. Use the IRAC method: Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion
- Your response must comply with the MLA format which can be found online at ow/ to an external site.
In this case study and writing assignment, you argue whether the EEOC should proceed to file a discrimination lawsuit against a manufacturer for gender discrimination.Your essay should be between