Demonstrate understanding of developing research design and ethics associated
with writing a research proposal
2. Identify a suitable business issue for the purpose of conducting research
3. Deal with complex literature and show evidence of self-direction in thinking critically about contemporary business issues
4. Identify a gap in the existing literature and formulate a compelling research question
5. Demonstrate ability to conduct a literature review on a selected business issue
6. Identify and evaluate different approaches to methodologies including the
advantages and weaknesses associated with each methods
7. Explain the choice of data collection from various sources and assess the reliability of
the identified sources and dataPlease note that the submission deadlines are based on UWE server time. You are strongly
advised to submit work ahead of the deadline dates to avoid situations where penalties
could be incurred. No penalties are imposed if a submission is made up to 48 hours after the
deadline. After the 48 hours have passed, the work will not be accepted for marking.
Submission formatting:
– You must submit your literature review and research proposal electronically in Blackboard
as a single file in Word format
– You can upload a file multiple times, but only the last upload will be counted.
– Please submit your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.docx) NOT a PDF
– Use Times New Roman font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing
– It should be left-aligned
– Margins: 2.5 cm on all four sides
– Use page numbers
You should submit via Blackboard, using the link provided in the Assessment section on the
module site. Please note that it must be your own work and your submission will be
checked for plagiarism.
Notification that the electronic submission portal is open for your assignment will be
displayed in the following places (usually two weeks before the submission date): (1) in the
Coursework tab in myUWE, (2) in the Coursework tab in Blackboard, and (3) via an
announcement in the Blackboard course (which will go to your UWE email account).The Research Proposal will draw on contemporary business issues, giving you a choice of
issues to focus upon in the ‘idea cloud’. In order to create an appropriate proposal, you are
required to analyse the existing academic and practitioner literature in your area of interest,
identify an aim and objectives, and develop a strategy for sampling, collecting and analysing
data. You are responsible for proposing either a qualitative or quantitative research project;
if you are using primary data you might design questionnaires, observation sheets or
interview guidelines. From this you are required to outline how you will analyse and
interpret data, and discuss the ethical implications and potential limitations of your
Identify a suitable business issue for the purpose of conducting research 3. Deal with complex literature and show evidence of self-direction in thinking critically about contemporary business issues 4. Identify a gap in the