XGBSHN5013 Applying Health and Social Care Policy, Ethics and LawPortfolio, Deadline: Friday, 21st March 2025 by noon |
Assessment Pack contents: Short introduction to the task Key terms Key resources Template to outline structure and content Rubric to understand marking criteria Video to explain it |
Short Introduction to the Task: The portfolio will require you to complete several tasks designed to enable you to explore an aspect of social policy and practice relevant to health and social care in more depth. It will require you to reflect on an ethical dilemma case study and outline best practice recommendations to resolve this dilemma in practice using existing legislation, policy development in the area and debates around their application in practice to guide your approach. Word Count: 3,000 Word (Not include the references list). Referencing: Please use the APA referencing guidelines. |
Key Terms: The portfolio is designed to enable you to explore an aspect of social policy and practice relevant to health and social care in more depth. It will require you to reflect on an ethical dilemma case study and outline your approach to resolving this in practice using existing legislation. |
Key Resources: The tasks are all found on Moodle for you to complete. |
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