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For this writing assignment, you will prepare an annotated bibliography on a current controversial issue in our society. You are to find five credible sources on your topic from TSC Databases. You may use the same Position Argument topic for this assignment.     An annotated bibliography i

Rogerian Argument Annotated Bibliography

For this writing assignment, you will prepare an annotated bibliography on a current controversial issue in our society. You are to find five credible sources on your topic from TSC Databases. You may use the same Position Argument topic for this assignment.  

 An annotated bibliography is a document that lists relevant sources (both primary and secondary) on a particular topic. The bibliography is annotated when you write a brief summary of the source’s main ideas and offer a brief personal critique on the usefulness of the source for your topic.   

Please find and cite at least (5) sources that deal with the issue you will address in this assignment. Remember that the issue/topic you choose should be current and controversial in our society. At least two sources should discuss the pros side of the issue, at least two should address the cons side of the issue, and at least one should address a possible compromise/common ground side to the issue.


You should include the following kinds of sources:


  • At least four (4) of your five sources should come from the TSC database (No Blogs or Personal Homepages!)
  • At least one (1) article from a credible website
  • Your sources should be published since 2014


Other reminders: Font Times Roman / Size 12; Double Spaced; 1 inch margins; Include Page Numbers (top right corner of page); and NO COVER PAGE. Due date: Nov. 26, 2024


Format of the Annotated Bibliography: 

Please remember to save your work as a Microsoft Word File (No pdfs)

Before you prepare your annotation, write a single paragraph that introduces your argument topic. Remember to not take a side; you should rather generally introduce the issue and show how both sides are impacted. For more information on this type argument, click here Rogerian Argument.


The Research and the Writing Process:


Once you have found and decided on your sources, you will have to read and analyze them and take extensive notes.  Now, make a list.  List the sources alphabetically by author’s last name, using MLA Style, and then for each source write at least a 7-10 sentence annotated paragraph summarizing that source and providing a brief critique of the article.  In your critique section, you should explain why you agree/disagree with the author’s claim and/or discuss what you think are the strengths and weaknesses.  Make sure to identify the author’s claim in your summary. Also, use the 3rd person’s point of view. Finally, seek a professional review from the Learning Commons or Brainfuse to improve clarity and format of the assignment. Below is an example of an annotated source.


Organization Structure


Introduction Paragraph


  • Introduce the issue/topic generically without taking a side (see the Rogerian Argument Handout for details)


Provide (2) Annotated Bibliographies on the Cons


  • This should be done on the cons side of the issue


Provide two (2) Annotated Bibliographies on the Pros


  • This should be done on the pros side of the issue


Provide one paragraph (1) on the compromise/common ground perspective 


  • This should highlight the potential solution agreeable by both parties



A Sample Annotated Bibliography Based on One Source


Pitts, Leonard.  “Parents’ Influence is Limited.” The Dallas Morning News. 2 February 2002,

27A. Print. Pitts claims that people are too quick to blame a child’s parents if the child does something wrong.  He asserts that parents might even enjoy pointing the finger at the other parents who have a child in trouble.  Pitts provides an example of a song by Marvin Gaye, suggesting parents should stop trying to mold children “like their own piece of clay.”  He argues that parents should keep offering wisdom, guidance, and love, but stop thinking that they are the ultimate influence on their children’s lives.  Indeed, Pitts has a solid argument.  Parents should not be blamed for every infraction committed by their children.  At a certain point, children have to accept responsibility for their actions.  With that said, some parents do fail to provide their children with the necessary structure and discipline at home that would increase a child’s chances of being successful in life.

For this writing assignment, you will prepare an annotated bibliography on a current controversial issue in our society. You are to find five credible sources on your topic from TSC Databases. You may use the same Position Argument topic for this assignment.     An annotated bibliography i

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