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For this assignment, you will present and evaluate an argument from a scholarly source on your topic. You will also share other scholarly sources that you have found that will be relevant to your final paper.

For this assignment, you will present and evaluate an argument from a scholarly source on your topic. You will also share other scholarly sources that you have found that will be relevant to your final paper. Begin by finding three scholarly articles that address your topic. Of the three, strive to find at least one with an opposing perspective. (It is okay if you cannot find one with an exactly opposing position. At least make the attempt; whether scholarly articles exist on both sides will be discussed within the paper.)**Topic”Should the United States Reduce Annual Defense Spending?
Introduce your Topic (approximately 100 words): Explain the topic, state the specific question you are addressing, and briefly preview what you intend to accomplish in this paper. Summarize the Three Scholarly Articles (approximately 150 words each): List each reference in APA. After each reference, provide a summary of the article. You are not required to summarize all aspects of the paper; focus on how it attempts to answer the question you are addressing. Present an Argument from a Scholarly Source (approximately 150 words): Select one of the above articles (one that presents a clear argument) and present the argument from the article in standard form (with the premises listed above the conclusion, as with the Week 1 assignment). Note: Articles do not always state their arguments clearly. Part of your job is to determine the argument presented in the article, as you understand it. Evaluate the Quality of the Reasoning in this Source (approximately 250 words): Address questions such as the following: How well supported are the argument’s premises? How strongly do the argument’s premises support the truth of the conclusion? What (if any) missing premises would be needed to complete the argument (make it valid/strong)? How might someone with a different point of view reply to this argument? Discussion of Research on this Topic (approximately 200 words): In your paper, discuss your answers to questions, such as the following: Was it hard to find scholarly sources on your topic? Which side of your question do most sources seem to fall on? If they are lopsided (more on one side than the other), why do you think that might be? What type of further research would help you to discover which answer to your research question is most supported by the evidence? Evaluation of Arguments in Non-Scholarly and Scholarly Sources (approximately 150 words): Evaluate the difference in the quality of reasoning or in the degree of support for premises in scholarly sources contrasted with non-scholarly sources (e.g., between the scholarly sources you used for this paper and the popular sources you used for your Week 1 paper). If you need support, review the Scholarly and Popular Resources Links to an external site. video. Conclusion (approximately 100 words): Reflect on how this activity might influence how you conduct research in the future.

For this assignment, you will present and evaluate an argument from a scholarly source on your topic. You will also share other scholarly sources that you have found that will be relevant to your final paper.

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