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Evaluation Report of your Entrepreneurial Business & Development. You will present an evaluation of the business concept showcased at Business Expo (online live pitches presented earlier) in the form of a portfolio

Evaluation Report of your Entrepreneurial Business & Development.

You will present an evaluation of the business concept showcased at Business Expo (online live pitches presented earlier) in the form of a portfolio, which will include an Executive Summary and a Reflective Analysis that will signpost to a range of evidence in the appendices. 

Evidence will include (but is not limited to): a Business Model Canvas, Research tools and outputs, examples of branding and team insights, Reflective diary extracts.

  1. The portfolio should also include a Reflective Analysis section, which will provide a statement reflecting on the successes of the team, individual entrepreneurial development and the video pitch production.
  2. The Evaluation should conclude with a statement outlining whether the team will pursue the idea further, and why. This concluding statement should make use of insights gained from both portfolio sections and the evidence featured in the appendices.
  3. Appendices should feature a comprehensive collection of evidence used in the development of the Video Pitch and work completed in response to visitor feedback.  The Evaluation portfolio will be image-rich and students should carefully select items to include as evidence, which should be clearly signposted to in the main text.
  4. Also, please note that you should be adding and referring to the relevant literature and theory covered in the module and beyond.

In alignment with Northumbria University’s Academic Regulations for Taught Awards (ARTA), section 1.2, you are reminded that “In all assessed work students should take care to ensure that the work presented is their own and that it fully acknowledges the work and opinions of others”.

The Northumbria Assessment Regulations for Taught Awards (ARTA) which contain the Regulations and procedures applying to cheating, plagiarism, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems, and other forms of academic misconduct can be found

Evaluation Report of your Entrepreneurial Business & Development. You will present an evaluation of the business concept showcased at Business Expo (online live pitches presented earlier) in the form of a portfolio

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