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Critically evaluate and assess epistemological positions, research design and ethical issues in relation to social scientific research. LO2: Demonstrate understanding and knowledge of quantitative social research.

LC572 Quantitative Research Methods for Social Scientists Assignment

Assignment Task

The assignment for your final piece of assessment for this module is to carry out an empirical research project using quantitative data analysis. The aim of the project is to devise a brief questionnaire, collect data and the analyse the data using SPSS and then write a 1,500-word report on your findings. Your reference list and any appendices do not count towards your 1,500-word limit.

Details of what needs to be in the report are outlined below. Guidance will be provided in class.

Do not commence data collection until the module leader has agreed your questionnaire is suitable.

Collecting data before your topic is agreed by the module leader is a breach of ethics and may result in you failing the assessment, including failure to adhere to correct ethical processes.

Also Checkout: Qualitative vs Quantitative Research Methodology

Your report must include the following elements and be presented in the following order:

  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction to include
    • Introduction to the topic area your research explored
    • Rationale for doing the research
    • Research questions and aims
  • Literature review of previous research on the topic you have chosen to write about
  • Methodology
    • Methods used and rationale for these
    • Sampling and rationale for this
    • Research process – (e.g. what you did in practice)
    • Ethical considerations – (e.g. what you did to ensure your research was ethical)
  •  Results – statistical results from quantitative projects (includes copies of SPSS tables)
  •  Discussion
  • Reflection: reflect on how you feel about using quantitative data and how you approached the module with reference to your study group and how useful you found collaboration
  •  Conclusion
  • Reference list
  • Appendices (a copy of your questionnaire)

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO1: Critically evaluate and assess epistemological positions, research design and ethical issues in relation to social scientific research.

LO2: Demonstrate understanding and knowledge of quantitative social research.

LO3: Analyse quantitative data using SPSS and link the results to wider social scientific literature.

Critically evaluate and assess epistemological positions, research design and ethical issues in relation to social scientific research. LO2: Demonstrate understanding and knowledge of quantitative social research.

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