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Critically analyse the importance of the different stages of the life course to the concept of ageing well. LO2:Critically analyse issues which impact on ageing well, including inequality, culture and lifestyle choice. Module codeand title:LC664 Ageing Through the Life-course Module leader:Carly Binfield AssignmentNo. and type:Coursework – ReportAssessmentweighting: 100% Submissiontime and date:14thJanuary 2024 before 2pmTarget feedbacktime and date: 3 Weeks

Your task is to research for and write a report on an aspect of ageing well through the life course in contemporary societies. You will need to choose a particular issue and/or a particular age-group and write a report in which you critically discuss the issues around ageing well for that group. You must agree the topic for your report with your module leader byWeek 5 You will need to include relevant theory, research and social policy in your critical discussion of the issue/group you have identified. You also need to identify and evaluate relevant evidence-based solutions (e.g. policies; initiatives etc.) which might improve ageing well for your group or in response to the issue you have identified. Your report must be2500 wordsin length and written in report format. You will be given more guidance nearer the time on writing in report format. This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes: LO1:Critically analyse the importance of the different stages of the life course to the concept of ageing well. LO2:Critically analyse issues which impact on ageing well, including inequality, culture and lifestyle choice. Module codeand title:LC664 Ageing Through the Life-course Module leader:Carly Binfield AssignmentNo. and type:Coursework – ReportAssessmentweighting: 100% Submissiontime and date:14thJanuary 2024 before 2pmTarget feedbacktime and date: 3 Weeks
2LO3:Critically analyse the politicisation of ageing through the life course and the role of global, national and local policy in providing the context to ageing and ageing well. LO4:Critically examine the significance of the social construction of community and social capital to experiences of ageing and ageing well through the life course. Practicalities: Referencing, presenting and submitting your work Please see your programme handbook for information on the standard referencing style, presentational requirements and process for submitting your work. Presentation format This assignment must be written in the format of a Report so must include: oA title page–with student ID oA contents’ page oIntroduction and Conclusion oSub-headings Font should be 12 and spacing between lines should be 1.5 or above Referencing Please ensure that your work is referenced according to the Harvard referencing style, as defined in Cite Them Right Online (https://www.citethemrightonline.com/). Late Submissions Please also note that work that is submitted up to 10 working days beyond the submission date will be considered a late submission. Late submissions will be marked, and the actual mark recorded but will be capped at the pass mark (typically 40%), provided that the work is of a passing standard. Work submitted after this period will not be marked and will be treated as a non-submission. Confidentiality You are expected to take responsibility for maintaining and managing confidentiality issues in your work. You should maintain and respect confidentiality in relation to the protection of personal, technical and/or commercial information of a sensitive nature in your assessed work, whatever the format. For further information and guidance, please see the relevant section in your programme

Critically analyse the importance of the different stages of the life course to the concept of ageing well. LO2:Critically analyse issues which impact on ageing well, including inequality, culture and lifestyle choice. Module codeand title:LC664 Ageing Through the Life-course Module leader:Carly Binfield AssignmentNo. and type:Coursework – ReportAssessmentweighting: 100% Submissiontime and date:14thJanuary 2024 before 2pmTarget feedbacktime and date: 3 Weeks

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