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Contrast and compare two classical theories of development (psychoanalytic theory, psychosocial theory, traditional learning theory, social learning theory, Piaget’s theory, and Vygotsky’s theory).

 APA- 1 page

In our reading and the Growing Minds video, we learned that Piaget and Vygotsky had opposing views on development and learning. Piaget suggested that development must precede learning while Vygotsky argued that learning must precede development. Piaget assumed that cognitive processes function in similar ways across cultures and that the nature and development of thinking have universal qualities. Vygotsky’s theoretical ideas stand in sharp contrast to these claims. He believed that the context of culture is important in cognitive development.

  • What does it mean to say that both Piaget and Vygotsky were “constructivists”?
  • Do you agree that the development of thinking has universal qualities? Back up your opinion with examples from your own experience.
  • Think about what abilities are valued by the cultural group that you grew up with. Are they the same as the ones in another cultural context? Discuss how cultural context influence one’s cognitive development.
  • Provide an example of how each of these theories could be applied in a classroom

Assignment 2

In standard research essay format write a 3 page paper describing, comparing and contrasting TWO of the developmental theories which you read about in the module.

Please do not compare Vygotsky’s social learning model with Piaget’s cognitive-developmental model. We will make this comparison in the discussion.

Choose your two theories from one of the following options:

  • Contrast and compare two classical theories of development (psychoanalytic theory, psychosocial theory, traditional learning theory, social learning theory, Piaget’s theory, and Vygotsky’s theory).
  • Contrast and compare Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model to the evolutionary perspective.
  • Contrast and compare one classical theory mentioned above to Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model.
  • Contrast and compare one classical theory mentioned above to the evolutionary perspective.

Note: For all written assignments, please be sure to apply the assigned module readings, cite as needed throughout the writing as you apply the readings, and provide a reference page at the end — all in APA style. Always apply additional scholarly resources (at least two) (e.g., current journal articles; scholarly websites).

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Contrast and compare two classical theories of development (psychoanalytic theory, psychosocial theory, traditional learning theory, social learning theory, Piaget’s theory, and Vygotsky’s theory).
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