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Business Report In the role of a Management Consultant, you are invited by the CEO of Samsung Electronics to their headquarters. They have secured permission from Samsung Electronics Boar

Global Strategy and Sustainability

1. General Assessment Guidance

  • Late submissions will not be marked.
  • All elements of your assessment must be submitted via Turnitin online access. Hard copies or other digital submissions (e.g., email or pen drive) will not be accepted.
  • The submission word limit is 1000 words. You may submit less but not exceed this limit. Refer to the word count guidelines on the programme home page or coursework submission page.
  • Do not include your name or contact details on your submission. Only provide your Student Registration Number (SRN) for recognition during marking.
  • Use the Harvard Referencing System. Unreferenced content from other authors will be considered plagiarism.
  • For guidance on Harvard Referencing, visit the BPP Library Study Support.
  • BPP University enforces strict rules on plagiarism and collusion. Severe penalties apply for proven cases. Refer to the GARs and MOPP on the HUB in the Academic Registry section for details.
  • Include a completed Assignment Cover Sheet. Submissions without this may be deemed invalid and not marked.

2. Assessment Brief

Business Report

In the role of a Management Consultant, you are invited by the CEO of Samsung Electronics to their headquarters. They have secured permission from Samsung Electronics Board of Directors (BoD) to review and upgrade their global strategies in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. In view of this background, you are required to undertake a strategy upgrade of Samsung Electronics and provide a business REPORT to the CEO on further growth opportunities and sustainability of this growth into Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia using the techniques and concepts covered in the module.

This link provides information on Samsung Electronics: Our Business | About Us | Samsung US.


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Samsung Electronics Management Consultancy Report

Business Report (1000 words)

In the role of a Management Consultant, you are invited by the CEO of Samsung Electronics to their headquarters. They have secured permission from Samsung Electronics’ Board of Directors (BoD) to review and upgrade their global strategies in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. In view of this background, you are required to undertake a strategy upgrade of Samsung Electronics and provide a business REPORT to the CEO on further growth opportunities and sustainability of this growth into Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia using the techniques and concepts covered in the module.

Learning Outcome 1 (LO1)

You are required to conduct an internal and external environmental analysis and then mention two sustainable competitive advantages to develop and support Samsung Electronics’ global strategy.

Guidelines for LO1

  • For a pass, at least the MACRO Environment, the Industry Environment, and the Internal Environment should be analysed. For the industry environment, a few sentences can be used to explore the forces, making sure they are referenced using journals and other credible platforms like Statista, McKinsey, and Mintel.
  • Some threats and opportunities can be identified in the analysis of the MACRO environmental analysis.
  • At most two (2) competitive advantages should be identified from the internal analysis and an application of how they can be developed and maintained (sustained) will be rewarded.
  • Note that you cannot use SWOT analysis as the CEO needs a detailed and thorough understanding of each part of the business environment. One model can be used for each part of the environment analysis identified above.
  • Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real companies.
  • To achieve a merit or distinction, you will be expected to demonstrate some critical evaluation of the environmental issues found in the research.

Learning Outcome 2 (LO2)

Based on your analysis in LO1, suggest either possible entry strategies for new markets or ways to improve existing strategies.

Guidelines for LO2

  • An analysis of the motives of globalisation in relation to the organisation using a Model, for example, YIP’s industry globalisation drivers is important.
  • Analyse two (2) Strategic Option(s) for Internationalisation as a theoretical foundation to assist in deciding which three (3) Entry Strategies will support the organisation.
  • Apply and evaluate three (3) Entry Strategies the organisation can use in entering the Global Environment using appropriate models and based on the Strategic Options you identified.
  • The application of these theories to the global environment and the organisation will attract high marks.
  • The application and originality shown in exploring the Strategic Option(s) and Entry Strategies logically and in detail is needed to attain a merit or distinction.
  • Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real companies.

Presentation and Structure

Word count: 1000 words

Your report structure should include the following sections:

  • Cover Page (University Cover Sheet)
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Abbreviations (if appropriate)
  • Introduction
  • Task 1 – The External and Internal Environment
  • Task 2 – Strategy in the Global Environment
  • Concluding Remarks
  • References
  • Appendix

Word count only applies to the main body (shown in bold); i.e., cover page, table of content, list of abbreviations, references, assessment self-evaluation, and appendix are not part of the 1000-word count.

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Tip for Mapping the Assessment towards Module Topics and Module Learning Outcomes (LOs)

Assessment Task Module Topics Marks Module LOs
Task 1 – The External & Internal Environment External Analysis – Opportunities and Threats
Internal Analysis – Distinctive competencies, profitability and competitive advantage
LO1: Critically analyse the internal and external business environment as sources of competitive
advantage to facilitate a global strategy.
Task 2 – Strategy in the Global Environment Strategy in the Global Environment – profit growth through global expansion LO3: Evaluate the implications of global strategy to management practice within a business


Presentation and Structure

If you have any further questions about this coursework assignment, please contact the module leader or the tutor.

Marking Guide

Learning Outcome Fail (0-39%) Marginal Fail (40-49%) Pass (50-59%) Merit (60-69%) Distinction (70-79%) High Distinction (80-100%)
LO1: Critically analyse the internal and external business environment as sources of competitive advantage to facilitate a global strategy. An Inadequate or Weak analysis of the external and internal environments using appropriate models. The analysis shows a weak understanding of at most, 2 competitive advantages identified in the environmental analysis and does not include how competitive advantage can be built and maintained. Limited understanding of the external and internal environments of the organisation with limited analysis of the internal and external environment. There is limited understanding of at most, 2 competitive advantages identified in the environmental analysis and how these competitive advantages can be built and maintained. Satisfactory knowledge of the external and internal environments of the organisation using appropriate models to analyse all parts of the environment with limited omissions. There are adequate indications of opportunities and threats acknowledged in the external analysis showing basic critical analysis or evaluation. There are adequate indications of how at least, 2 competitive advantages identified in the internal analysis are sustained. A good knowledge of the external and internal environments of the organisation using appropriate models to analyse all parts of the environment with no omissions but limited appropriate critical evaluations of the metrics found in researching for the environment. There is a good analysis of opportunities and threats acknowledged in the external analysis showing its effect on business risk. There are creative indications of how at least 2 competitive advantages identified in the internal analysis are sustained. An excellent knowledge of the external and internal environments of the organisation using appropriate models in analysing all parts of the environment with no omissions. Some critical analysis of the metrics found in researching the environment. There is an excellent application of opportunities and threats acknowledged in the external analysis showing its effect on business risk with some suggested remedies. An outstanding knowledge of the external and internal environments of the organisation using appropriate models in analysing all parts of the environment with no omissions. Some critical evaluation of the metrics. There is an outstanding application of opportunities and threats acknowledged in the external analysis showing its effect on business risk with some suggested remedies indicating which remedies are key with reasons. There are creative indications of how at least 2 competitive advantages identified in the internal analysis are sustained demonstrating originality.
LO2: Critically evaluate both strategic direction and strategic options in complex business environments. An inadequate or weak analytical knowledge of how the organisation can enter the global market using appropriate models. The analysis lacks understanding of the motives influencing the organisation’s entry into the global market. There is limited or no analysis of at most, 2 strategic option(s) available to the organisation to enter the global environment expansion only partially or not explored fully with an appropriate model. Limited analytical knowledge of how an organisation can enter the global market using appropriate models. The analysis identifies but does not show, understanding of the motives for an organisation to enter the global environment. There is a limited understanding of at most, 2 strategic option(s) available for the organisation to use as a basis for entering the global environment. A satisfactory analysis of how the organisation can enter the global environment using appropriate models. Analysis is limited and based on the motives for the organisation to operate globally. There is a satisfactory attempt to show at least, 2 strategic option(s) available to the organisation. 3 entry strategies are used in showing how the organisation can enter and or operate in the global environment. A good analysis of how the organisation can enter the global environment using appropriate models. There is a good attempt to show at least, 2 strategic option(s) available to the organisation. 3 entry strategies are used in showing how the organisation can enter and or operate in the global environment with analysis demonstrating why the strategies are appropriate to the organis

Business Report In the role of a Management Consultant, you are invited by the CEO of Samsung Electronics to their headquarters. They have secured permission from Samsung Electronics Boar

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