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Assignment Frasier is a successful criminal defense attorney. For the past six months, she has been doing televised trial commentary on a notorious murder trial involving a Former football star.

•issue, summary of relevant cases and statutes, application of cases and statutes to
issue, conclusion
→ pages (no cover page) Kelerence page needed
3 United states cases and 2 united states Statutes
Correct citations
Frasier is a successful criminal defense attorney. For the past six months, she has
been doing televised trial commentary on a notorious murder trial involving a
Former football star. Her comments are sharp and perceptive, and shel
has gained national recognition. She has recently received numerous other offers to appear on television. Frasier appears on a live talk show with three other attorneys one afternoon to discuss the general state of law. The panel takes questions from phone callers. The callers are asked to use their hirst names only in order to protect their privacy.
A young woman named Daphne calls and directs her question to all of the lawyers on the panel: “I have just received a subpoena to witness my brother s criminal
trial and I don’t want to testify. Is there anything I can do to avoid appearing? Just as
one of the attorneys is about to answer the question, Frasier interrupts and says. “1
believe that I’m the most qualitied person to help Daphne with her probiem because
have such extensive criminal trial experience and am looked upon across thel
country as an expertin this ared. Daphne, Delore I can help you, I heed to khow more
about why you don t want to testify. Daphne responds, I’m afraid that I might bel
arrested il they lind out I helped my brother. Frasier responds, “Daphne, why don t
you call my office at 353-0800 to set up an appointment? You are delinitely in need
of professional help, but your situation requires more detailed advice than I can give
you here or over the phone. Don t worry: I have gotten many a client out of similar
When the television program ends, Frasier stops by the station’s newsroom and
delivers two front row tickets to the most popular play in town to the news director.
Frasier says to the director, This is just my way of saying thank you for the interview
that you did with me last week. My phone has been ringing off the hook ever since,
Lots of new clients.
Has Frasier violated any standards of professional responsibility? Discuss.

Assignment Frasier is a successful criminal defense attorney. For the past six months, she has been doing televised trial commentary on a notorious murder trial involving a Former football star.

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