Assignment Briefs 1 & 2
Learning Outcomes
Explore the importance of on-going professional development and self-directed learning to enhance professional identity and career opportunities.
Assess own skills, competences, and the different learning and development approaches.
Assignment Brief and Guidance
This task is about providing exploration of how professional development as well as self-directed learning are important in enhancing professional identity and career opportunities within the hospitality industry. Furthermore, you are required to provide an assessment of your own key skills, competences, learning, and development approaches with depth in explanation and inclusion of examples. Assume you have been appointed as a trainee Human Resource Officer within the Human Resources Department of a four- or five-star hotel. To further enhance understanding of your role as an HR Officer, your supervisor has requested you to prepare a report on the following points given in the task.
Tasks Activity
With the assumption that you are a trainee HR officer within a four- or five-star hotel of your choice, you are required to produce a report to further enhance understanding of your role as an HR Officer as requested by your supervisor.
Within the report, you are required to include the following:
Part One
- Examine the key benefits of ongoing professional development for different stakeholders within your selected four- or five-star hotel. The answer can be more focused on the following stakeholders (The employee and the employer). Key points such as motivation, skilled workforce, competitiveness, brand image, ownership of the role can be included and supported by examples.
- Investigate professional employer expectations of skills and competences within the selected four- or five-star hotel. The answer can be further focused on the skills and competences of an HR officer as indicated in the scenario. The answer can include key points such as personal presentation and appearance, dress code in comparison with other roles within the same institution such as reception, personal skills, hard and soft skills related.
- Evaluate the importance of ongoing professional development and the associated skills requirement within the selected four- or five-star hotel. The answer developed can be based on key points covered above, use of examples, and academic and professional sources to enhance the quality of the answer.
Part Two
- Provide an assessment of your own abilities, skills, and competences based on the assumed role of the trainee HR officer within a four- or five-star hotel of your choice.
- Review a range of learning theories and approaches for your own personal and professional development process based on the given role (Trainee HR officer). Learning approaches such as behaviourist, cognitive, and humanist. Learning theories such as VARK learning styles, Honey & Mumford learning cycle, Kolb’s learning cycle. Developmental processes such as formal training, on-job training, shadowing, buddying, self-directed study.
- Evaluate your own skills and competences as well as the most appropriate development approaches to further develop personal and professional skills for the assumed role (Trainee HR officer in a four- or five-star hotel).
- Critically evaluate your own skills and competences to meet the employer’s expectation of professional skills required for employment based on the assumed role given in the scenario (Trainee HR officer in a four- or five-star hotel).
Across the report, you are required to provide various examples to enhance the credibility, currency, and depth of the answer. You are also required to support your answer by academic and professional sources as well as statistics when relevant. Harvard referencing is to be followed in this task (Citations and reference list should be provided).
Unit Learning Outcomes
Design a professional development plan, within a specific work context.
Assignment Brief and Guidance
Based on the successful experience of developing the first task, for the second time, you have been tasked as a trainee HR officer by your supervisor to construct a written development plan to enhance your own skills and competences required for the role of HR officer.
Task Activities
Based on the same hotel selected in the first task, you are required to construct a development plan to enhance your own skills and competences required for the role of HR officer.
Within the report, you are required to include the following:
- Development plan to be constructed to enhance your own skills and competences for the role of HR officer within a four- or five-star hotel of your choice.
- Provide a detailed development plan that applies underpinning learning and development theory and is based on the assumed role of a trainee HR officer within a four- or five-star hotel of your choice.
- Produce a comprehensive development plan that sets out clear and achievable targets, strategies, and outcomes of learning and training for the assumed role of a trainee HR officer within a four- or five-star hotel of your choice.
Across the development plan, you are required to provide various examples to enhance the credibility, currency, and depth of the answer. You are also required to support your answer by academic and professional sources as well as statistics when relevant. You are required to follow a development plan structure as guided by your tutor. Harvard referencing is to be followed in this task (Citations and reference list when required).
Unit Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate a range of service industry and transferable skills for a job application.
Assignment Brief and Scenario
Based on the successful experience of developing task one and two, you have been asked to be involved in a practical activity requiring you to participate in a role play as well as the development of notes to be considered by your supervisor for further personal and professional development.
Task Activities
Based on the same hotel selected in the previous tasks, you are required to participate in a role play as well as the development of notes to be considered by your supervisor for further personal and professional development.
You are required to include the following:
- Undertake a job interview for the assumed role of trainee HR officer role or another suitable role. This is to be achieved through a role play as well as the inclusion of detailed notes of the interview within your submitted work.
- Review your own strengths and weaknesses based on the experience of undertaking the job interview for the given role during the role play activity. Detailed notes of the review should be provided within your submitted work. Key points can be included such as behaviour, time management, personal conduct, body language, and speech.
- Evaluate the job interview process and the key obstacles and challenges to overcome based on the assumed role of trainee HR officer or another suitable role within a four- or five-star hotel of your choice.
- Produce a detailed and coherent critical reflection of the interview process and your own abilities during this process. This can be supported by other information gathered such as your peers’ review and feedback, and other comments.
Across the task of role play as well as providing supporting notes, you are required to provide various examples to enhance the credibility, currency, and depth of the answer. You are also required to support your answer by academic and professional sources as well as statistics when relevant. You are required to follow a clear structure for the notes included as guided by your tutor. Harvard referencing is to be followed in this task (Citations and reference list when required).
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Examine the key benefits of on-going professional development for different stakeholders within a specific organisation.
Investigate professional employer expectations of skills and competencies within a specific organisational context.
Assess your own abilities, skills, and competences for a specific job role.
Review a range of learning theories and approaches used for personal and professional development processes.
Construct a development plan to enhance chosen skills and competencies within a specific work context.
Undertake a job interview for a suitable service industry role.
Review key strengths and weaknesses of an applied interview process.
Evaluate the importance of on-going professional development and the associated professional skills requirements within a specific organisational context.
Evaluate your own skills and competences and the most appropriate developmental approach to develop personal and professional skills for a specific job role.
Provide a detailed development plan that applies underpinning learning and development theory, in a specific work context.
Evaluate a job interview process and the obstacles and challenges to overcome.
Critically evaluate your own skills and competencies to meet the employer’s expectation of professional skills required for employment within a specific job role.
Produce a comprehensive development plan that sets out clear and achievable targets, strategies, and outcomes of learning and training within a specific work context.
Produce a detailed and coherent critical reflection of an interview process and your own abilities during this process.