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ASSESSMENT 1: ESSAY Information Sheet and guidelines ASSESSMENT 1 ESSAY 1 (30%) Week Due: 5 Word Count: 1500 words Consider the following statements.

Information Sheet and guidelines


Week Due: 5
Word Count: 1500 words

Consider the following statements.

Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given, and transmitted from the past (Marx, K., 1852:1).

Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both  (Mills, C., 2000:3).

The sociological imagination demands that we ‘think ourselves away’ from the familiar routines of our daily life in order that we may look at them from a new point of view which may appear strange, at least at first (Giddens, A.; Sutton, P., 2021: 5).


Draw on two sociological theories presented in this unit to discuss, explain, and analyse how you are a social being, and have become who you are today. You are to apply the two theories and concepts of agency and structure to your own lives to explore how the interaction between your individual life and the larger societal structures affected who you are as a social being. You are to identify and critique specific instances where agency and structure have been influential. You must draw on the required readings that are available on Moodle under weekly learning materials.

In this 1500-word essay (+/- 10%, excluding reference list), written in academic style, you will show you have read the essential readings through demonstrating understanding of the key concepts in weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4.


Assessment Criteria:

This task will be assessed as follows:



Demonstrated understanding and analysis of theories

presented in
this unit


understanding and critique of agency and structure


and analysis of identity development


writing, expression, and demonstrated use of the literature



100 (weighted to 30%)




High Distinction




NN (Fail)

Demonstrated understanding and analysis
of theories presented in this unit

Demonstrates excellent understanding and
gives a thorough analysis of theories, critically showing the different
contributions these theories have made to sociology

Demonstrates a very good understanding
and gives a very good analysis of theories critically showing the different
contributions these theories have made to sociology.  

Demonstrates a good understanding and
gives a good analysis of theories critically showing the different
contributions these theories have made to sociology.

Demonstrates an adequate understanding
and gives some analysis of theories and
shows to some extent the different contributions these theories have
made to sociology

Does not demonstrate adequate understanding of theories. There is
limited or no analysis. 

Explanation and analysis of identity

Has an excellent understanding of identity
development & uses unit content & readings to give an excellent
explanation & analysis of own identity

Has a very good
understanding of identity development & uses unit content & readings
to give a very good explanation & analysis of own identity

Has a good understanding of identity development & uses
unit content & readings to give a good explanation & analysis of own


Has an
adequate understanding of identity development & uses some unit content
& readings to give an explanation & analysis of own identity

Has limited understanding of identity development & does not use
unit content & readings to give an explanation & analysis of own

understanding and critique of agency and structure

Demonstrates an
excellent understanding and critique
of agency and structure and specifies

where these have been


Demonstrates a

good understanding and critique   of agency and structure and specifies
where these have been influential

Demonstrates a good understanding and
critique   of agency and structure and
specifies where these have been influential

Demonstrates an understanding of both
agency and structure but the examples are weak or may not be completely

Does not discuss either agency or
structure. Gives no examples.

Demonstrated use and integration of
essential texts & wider literature

Wide range of
contemporary references and sources that are well cited when specific
statements  are made.


Wide range of
good references and sources that are well cited when specific statements are


Sources are
generally well cited when specific statements are made.  

References were
basic and some errors of citation.  

Does not use the required literature


For any questions or clarifications regarding this assignment, please contact your unit facilitator.


ASSESSMENT 1: ESSAY Information Sheet and guidelines ASSESSMENT 1 ESSAY 1 (30%) Week Due: 5 Word Count: 1500 words Consider the following statements.

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