- Download the Application of Epidemiology templateLinks to an external site.Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader .
- Complete the Application of Epidemiology template to answer the questions related to your investigation. Use of this template is required. If the template is not used, a 10% deduction will be applied. See the rubric. Save the template and include your name in the file name.
- Follow APA grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation rules consistent with formal, scholarly writing.
- Use APA in-text citations and complete references to support your writing.
- Abide by Chamberlain University’s academic integrity policy.
- Submit the completed Application of Epidemiology template to the Week 4 Assignment Dropbox.
Include the Following Sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the grading rubric)
- Prevalent Infectious and Chronic Diseases
- Describe the selected geographic region
- Identify the prevalent infectious and chronic diseases in the region
- Compare and contrast the prevalence of those diseases in a separate geographic region of your choosing, noting similarities and differences.
- Discuss the variables that contribute to the noted similarities and differences.
- Provide an in-text citation from one scholarly source to support your writing.
- Application of the Epidemiological Model
- Select and describe one of the prevalent diseases noted in the previous section.
- Discuss physical and social determinants of health that influence the disease process.
- Identify and explain one epidemiological model that will be applied to the selected disease (i.e., Epidemiological Triangle, Web of Causation, or another legitimate epidemiological model).
- Apply the epidemiological model to the selected disease in a well-developed, comprehensive manner, addressing the entire model.
- Provide an in-text citation from one scholarly source to support your writing.
- Levels of Prevention
- Explain the levels of prevention used within population health practice.
- Discuss one primary prevention to address the disease.
- Discuss one secondary prevention to address the disease.
- Discuss one tertiary prevention to address the disease.
- Provide an in-text citation from one scholarly source to support your writing.
- Reflection
- Describe how the advanced practice nurse can monitor the application and efficacy of the prevention strategy.
- Discuss how you will apply the identified prevention strategies in your practice.
- Reflect on what you have learned from this assignment.
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Application of Epidemiology Template