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Analyze one of the given case studies from the attached “Case Studies” document by doing the following: 1.  Using the Iceberg Tool, write a summary of the analysis identifying key events, patterns, and the

A.   Analyze one of the given case studies from the attached “Case Studies” document by doing the following:

1.  Using the Iceberg Tool, write a summary of the analysis identifying key events, patterns, and the underlying structure that causes the identified events and patterns to occur.

2.  Choose the Behavior Over Time graph that best represents the patterns you identified using the attached “Case Study 1 Graphs” or “Case Study 2 Graphs” for the case study you chose.

 a.  Discuss why the chosen Behavior Over Time graph best represents the patterns present in the chosen case study.

3.  Write an analysis that discusses what the Iceberg Tool and Behavior Over Time graph reveal about the problem in the case study as well as the interconnections between the key events, patterns, and underlying structure of the system.

B.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

C.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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Analyze one of the given case studies from the attached “Case Studies” document by doing the following: 1.  Using the Iceberg Tool, write a summary of the analysis identifying key events, patterns, and the

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