Non-Experiential Group Member: Students will complete a 2-3 page personal process on the following: Last week, during Unit 4, you discussed y

Non-Experiential Group Member: Students will complete a 2-3 page personal process on the following: Last week, during Unit 4, you discussed your interpersonal skills and your challenges related to these skills. When it comes to people in general, reflect on what has been your biggest challenge in your interactions. Why? What were some messages that you were given as a child about yourself? How has this feedback shaped who you are? What words would you like to hear in the present that would encourage, help, change, and/or support you?

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You have fine-tuned your identification of goals and objectives for both your targeted program and the evaluation you are prescribing. Your peers and supervisor have encouraged you to build your presentation for the stakeholder’s meeting by spending more time on the implementation plan. Your goal is to prepare an additional 15–20 slides (with comprehensive speaker notes) to augment your presentation. You decide

Your goal is to prepare an additional 15–20 slides (with comprehensive speaker notes) to augment your presentation. You decide to offer a clear picture of how you intend to operationalize your evaluation. Include the following: Presentation of need, intentions, goals, and objectives Describe the required financial and human resources. Present your embedded evaluation strategy. What evidence of success will you

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