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Community Diversion Program is the program used in the previous assignment Assignment 2  As  you have learned through your course readings and classroom discussion,  logic models may b

Community Diversion Program is the program used in the previous assignment

Assignment 2 

As  you have learned through your course readings and classroom discussion,  logic models may be used as a valuable tool in both the planning and  evaluation of programs.  For this assignment, you will create a 1-page  logic model, which will be used as a tool to plan an evaluation of a  criminal justice program. 

All components of the logic model need to be included including inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes. Since this logic model is intended to aid in the planning of a program evaluation, please also include a column delineating your methods of assessment for each outcome listed.   Several computer applications can be used to assist in developing the  logic model figure including PowerPoint, Lucid Chart (lucidchart.com),  Microsoft Excel, and Word. You may also find some helpful resources from  the Kellogg Foundation  https://wkkf.issuelab.org/resource/logic-model-development-guide.html.



For this assignment, you should build on previous assignments and discussion postings to create a comprehensive program evaluation plan.  Using the program (Community Diversion Program) you have identified in assignments #1 and #2, discuss  the following aspects in detail:  description of the program and  population served, activities of the program, program outcomes, the  theoretical basis for the program, selected evaluation model, sources of  data, methods of data collection and analysis, and your plan for  reporting/disseminating the evaluation findings.  You should provide a  rationale for all of your choices, with literature to support them when  appropriate.  Please be sure to also include a discussion of ethical  considerations and your plan for communicating with program staff and  stakeholders throughout all phases of the evaluation. Your paper should  be between 6 to 8 pages. When citing the literature, please remember to follow APA style.

Please use the following headings in your paper to improve organization and ensure all required areas are discussed:

  • Program Description (Including a description of the program, population served, activities of the program, and program expected outcomes)
  • Evaluation Preparation  (Including theoretical basis for the program, selected evaluation model  or framework, Logic Model, sources of data, and methods of data  collection/analysis)
  • Evaluation Reporting  (Including Reporting/dissemination of the evaluation findings, ethical  considerations, and communication to staff and stakeholders)
  • References
Community Diversion Program is the program used in the previous assignment Assignment 2  As  you have learned through your course readings and classroom discussion,  logic models may b
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