Overconsumption is a major problem in our society. This assignment asks you to create a report assessing the relevance of an overconsumption activity at an individual level.
Drawing on theory, academic and industry literature, explore an area of consumption where you feel you overconsume (e.g., one particular field of consumption such as fashion, electronics, travel, etc.). Make sure to pick a consumption activity with plenty of literature available. Your report should then contain three components:
- Introduction (~250 words): outline (in one paragraph, using evidence such as statistics and citations) the negative impacts of your chosen consumption activity and introduce the structure of your report.
- Review (~1,000 words): Discuss your overconsumption behaviour by using a literature of relevance to this consumption behaviour. explore:
- what motivates your overconsumption; and
- What the alternatives are for reducing your impact.
3. Implementation (~1,750 words): Design a marketing communications campaign that you feel would encourage you and your peers to change this problematic behaviour. To allow space for a full justification using the literature, you can focus on a particular part of a campaign as opposed to the full campaign