In this assignment, write a 3–5 page paper on assessment in forensic psychology.
If you haven’t already, take the following steps to prepare yourself to complete the assignment:
Step 1: Choose a Topic
Select one of these topics to address in this assignment:
Assessing offenders for competency to stand trial.
Assessing offenders for potential insanity defense.
Assessing offenders for mental health issues for other reasons.
Step 2: Readings
Review the Felthous’ (2020) article The question of sanity restoration in jail from the Week 1: Psychology and Criminal Behavior section of the reading list.
Then, review the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct to read about ethics that can apply to the assessment of offenders.
Consider the implications of Section 2: Competence and Section 9: Assessment in relation to using the DSM-5-TR for forensic psychology work.
Step 3: Research
Look in the Capella University Library for peer-reviewed journal article(s) on the reliability and validity of mental health assessments and measures.
Using the APA Style Paper Template [DOCX], write a 3–5 page paper that includes the following:
Discuss the purpose of behavioral or mental health assessment in forensic psychology.
Provide examples of when assessments would be used concerning your topic.
Describe what forensic psychologists do with the results of tests and measures concerning your topic.
Discuss the reliability and validity of tests and measures.
Indicate how you decide if a test or measure is reliable and valid.
Describe how to determine if the test or measure is appropriate to the individual and the mental health diagnosis concerning your chosen topic.
Discuss the APA ethical code of conduct considerations that impact assessment in forensic psychology.
Provide examples related to the topic you chose of those ethics in action.
Be sure you review the Assessment in Forensic Psychology rubric to ensure you have met all the criteria for this assignment.
Additional Requirements
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting standards.
Refer to Academic Writer for guidance in using proper APA style. See the Evidence and APA section of the Writing Center for instructions on accessing and using Academic Writer.
References: At least five references, including your textbook, the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, and three peer-reviewed journal articles. Note: You may use sources provided in your reading lists.
Length of paper: 3–5 page paper.
Font and font size: Minimum of Times New Roman, 12 point.