This week, you will bring together all of the assignments you have completed thus far, and compose the rough draft of your change project paper. At this point, you will have submitted each section and received feedback. An attempt to incorporate all previous assignment feedback should be evident. Your rough draft contains all of the expected components of the final draft and is presented in APA format including a cover page, references, and appendices when warranted. Your rough draft is your opportunity to polish previously submitted assignments and combine the sections in a comprehensive paper that show your change project is ready to be implemented.
You will take this time to identify and address any weaknesses or gaps in your change project. Your rough draft should only require minor revisions before the final paper.
Your paper should be between 20 and 30 pages in length, not including the cover page, references, and any appendices. It must follow current APA manual style and format. Each section of the paper should be clearly identified using proper headings.