BMMM5003 Integrated Marketing Communications CW2 Assessment Information
Assessment Information
This assignment is an individual report of up to 2,500 words (+/-10%).
The individual report is a significant and crucial component of this Module. You will need to develop a creative content and campaign and justify the direction of a company’s future campaign strategy in this assignment. This assignment is designed to test your ability to effectively apply advertising strategies to real-life scenarios and to synthesise brand and market data. You can use individual reports to evaluate both your advertising strategies and their global impact. This assignment will ask you to examine cross-cultural considerations in order to align your strategy with global audiences. Live assessment is required for this assignment.
Criteria for Assessment – How you will be marked
Your individual report will be assessed based on the following criteria:
• Executive summary: The main points of the report are concise, including key findings, outcomes, and recommendations.
• Introduction: Outlining the key areas and Highlighting the importance of the report, what it intends to achieve, and its structure.
• Company background and current marketing and communication strategy: The quality of the research on company, mission, vision and current marketing and communication strategies. Finding brand value proposition is one of the most important parts of this section.
• Communication Strategy Development and Justification: The creativity and innovation demonstrated in your proposed creative campaign.
• Referencing : use valid resources and acceptable citation format
• Overall presentation and formatting: For more detailed information, please refer to the rubric at the end of the assessment brief.
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Here are some details that can help you provide your report:
1. Company Selection: you are given a company that you will focus on throughout thereport. You should be able to access enough information about the products, services, marketing, and advertising of this company in a web search.
2. Advertising Strategy Development: Your primary task is to create a comprehensive advertising strategy for the selected company. This strategy should encompass the following elements:
a. Target Audience Analysis: Describe the target audience(s) of the company and provide insights into their demographics, psychographics, and behaviours.
b. Context Analysis: Analyse the competitive landscape in which the company operates, including the key competitors and their advertising strategies.
c. Message Strategy: Develop a clear and persuasive message strategy that resonates with the target audience(s) and aligns with the company’s objectives.
d. Media Plan: Outline a media plan that specifies the channels and platforms to be used for advertising, with justifications for each choice.
e. Creative Campaign: Create a sample creative campaign that includes visual and content elements. This campaign should reflect your proposed strategy and effectively convey the intended message.
3. Justification: Provide a robust justification for your proposed advertising strategy. Explain how these recommendations address the identified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,and threats, and how they align with the company’s brand identity and goals