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Week 5: Challenge for the Leadership Challenge from the Leadership Challenge  This week’s Exemplary Practice is Challenge the Process which has two components: Sear

Week 5: Challenge for the Leadership Challenge from the Leadership Challenge

 This week’s Exemplary Practice is Challenge the Process which has two components: Search for Opportunities and Experiment and Take Risks.

 The Week 5 Reading Assignment is:

  • Read the Challenge the Process section (Chap 6&7) in the Leadership Challenge textbook
  • Read Chap 6 in the Leadership Challenge Workbook
  • Review the resources on Virtues and Virtuous Leadership.
  • Review the Seven Strategies for Character Development. I expect students to refer to this document frequently.  In the second paper below, I expect students to choose and discuss at least two “strategies” which were used to assist in accomplishing each virtue related task below.  We will have dedicated class sessions to assist with this requirement.


The Week 5 Discussion Assignment is to discuss the topics of the Writing Assignment below.


The Week 5 Writing Assignment is a three-part assignment


Part 1: 

Complete the assignments for Chap 6 that are in the Workbook and submit to me. There is no target length for these answers. However, I do expect appropriate graduate level depth and breadth in your answers. Please submit your answers to the workbook questions to me as a Word document.


Part 2:

Based upon your readings, activities, and answers to the questions in the workbook, do the following:


First, considering the following leadership practices that assist in Challenging the Process.

  • “Seeking challenging opportunities to test skills.
  • Challenging people to try new approaches.
  • Actively searches for innovative ways to improve what we do.
  • Asks “What can we learn?”.
  • Identifying measurable milestones that keep projects moving forward.
  • Taking initiative in identifying and responding to change.” (Kouzes and Posner, 2017)

Second, after considering the above leadership practices, write the Main Reflective Essay addressing these questions:

  • Have you had a boss that acted in this manner?  If yes, discuss how did you respond to him/her. If no, discuss how think you would have responded?
  • Please discuss whether or not these leadership actions are part of your leadership approach…and if not, should they be…why or why not? 
  • Please discuss your motivations to Challenge the Process on behalf of your team members.
  • Please see the syllabus for the grading rubric.
  • Note: Please see the information in the syllabus for the grading rubric.


Part 3

After considering the topic Challenge the Process, write a second reflective essay that identifies and discusses one related personal blind spot (relative to Challenging the Process) you have as a leader.  This paper should be two pages.

Week 5: Challenge for the Leadership Challenge from the Leadership Challenge  This week’s Exemplary Practice is Challenge the Process which has two components: Sear

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