2.or this short paper, you will be given six case studies to choose from, each related to one of the key themes: sustainability, civic responsibility, or social justice. Choose one of the case studies in the Supporting Materials section to analyze. Note: The case study can be unrelated to your project. This activity should serve as an exploration of how you might approach the opportunity for change in your project. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Describe the social issue in the case study you selected. Explain the background or history of the social issue as presented in the case study. Describe the impact of the social issue on specific communities. Describe the impact of the social issue on society. Explain the connection between the social issue and one or more of the key themes: sustainability, civic responsibility, and social justice. 3.This assignment invites you to investigate the social issue that you explored in the Module One discussion. The social issue you choose in this assignment will be the social issue for your project. When choosing a social issue, consider the following: What is an issue that is important to you? What is a local or global social issue that offers an opportunity for social change? What specific factors contributed to the creation of the issue? How does the issue impact a particular community? Note: If you have changed social issues since the Module One discussion, please reach out to your instructor for approval. You will not be able to change your social issue after Module Two. Remember that you will need at least four sources that represent diverse perspectives to support your project in this course. Use this opportunity to support your assignment with evidence. Use the feedback that you receive on the sources you use in this activity to help you decide which sources to use for your project. Be sure to cite all sources using APA style. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: 4. For this assignment, you will be provided with examples of social change initiatives to choose from. The examples include a variety of local and global social change movements. First, choose two examples from the list in the Supporting Materials section. Then, compare how value systems influenced the movements, the role of individuals and groups in the movements, the community members affected by the issues, and how the movements could benefit the community. Last, draw connections between the two movements chosen. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Explain how value systems impacted the emergence of the movements toward social change and/or how the movements created value systems that may not have existed before. Explain the role of individuals or groups in the movements. Identify the community members affected by the issues. Describe how the social change movements benefit or could benefit the community. Draw connections between the two examples you chose. Connections could include but are not limited to similarities in the relationship between the movements and value systems, in the roles of individuals or groups, in the community members affected by the issues, in how the movements benefit or could benefit the community, or in other aspects of the chosen movements. 5.For this assignment, you will first identify and describe different aspects within your chosen issue that you could focus on in your project. Then, you will choose one of these aspects as the focus of your project and explain why you chose it. Next, you will examine this aspect as an opportunity for social change. Finally, you will provide at least one source that can support your research on this topic. You can use the feedback you receive on your sources to help you select the ones that you will use in your project. Use the Module Three Short Paper Template linked in the What to Submit section to complete your assignment. 6.For this assignment, you will submit a short paper in which you research what others have done to address the opportunity for the social change you identified in Module Three in order to recommend a possible strategy that you will use in your project. First, you will research and describe previous attempts at addressing the opportunity for social change, which will allow you to identify gaps in previous attempts and can inform the recommendation you will make. Next, you will identify potential strategies to address the opportunity and evaluate the strategies. Then, based on your analysis, you will recommend one of the strategies identified and provide justification. Remember that you will need at least four sources that represent diverse perspectives to support your project in this course. Use this opportunity to support your assignment with evidence. Use the feedback that you receive on the sources you use in this activity to help you decide which sources to use for your project. Be sure to cite all sources using APA style. Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Choose one of the case studies in the Supporting Materials section to analyze. Note: The case study can be unrelated to your project. This activity should serve as an exploration of how