This experiential learning project focuses on developing and implementing a comprehensive staffing plan. Working in groups, students will create a complete recruitment and selection strategy for a specific position. Available positions (Select one):
- HR Instructor
- Flight Attendant
- Customer Service Representative (Mobile)
- Recruitment Officer
- Training and Development Officer
- Other: _______________ (to be approved by instructor)
Project value: 35% Of total course grade
- Task 1 10%
- Task 2 10%
- Task 3 15%
Detailed task requirements
Task 1: Company context and job analysis
Due date: February 22nd at 11:30 PM.
For the position selected above, decide if your company is in the private sector or public sector.
(1) Company creation and legal framework:
- Create your own company and define the roles that each group member will have throughout the process.
- Depending on the sector you selected (
private or public) provide a summary of 5 Labour Laws with which you must comply.
- Explain why it is important to consider this legal compliance.
(2) Job analysis:
- Create a job analysis following the instructions on the template for Task 1.
(3) Job description development:
- Develop a job description for your selected position that includes five (5) major responsibility statements and three (3) specific duties for each responsibility. Responsibilities are the major job activities performed (broad statements such as oversees various administrative activities) and duties the more detailed activities (specific statements such as schedules interviews).
(4) Job specification:
- Develop the job specifications for your selected position identifying the education, experience, knowledge (4 specific items), skills (4 specific items), and abilities (2 specific items) required.
(5) Job posting
- Develop/design an effective and appealing job posting (e.g., newspaper advertisement) including all essential information.
(6) Resume collection:
- You will have to find online 3 resumes and attach them to Task 1.
Task 2: Selection Process Design
Due date: March 15th at 11:30 PM –
(1) Application processing:
- Develop an email letter of acknowledgment of the application (just one for all applicants)
- Create a screening grid (see sample in the template for Task 2) using qualifications as determined in the job description.
(2) Resume analysis:
- Screen all applicants according to their qualifications.
- Critique each applicant’s resume identifying the strengths/weaknesses and areas for improvement. This should be about half-page summary for each applicant. Your summaries have to be filled in support of your screening.
(3) Applicant selection:
- Complete the screening grid for each of the applicants and select top two applicants for interviews.
- Compose an email letter to invite the applicants for interviews, including all necessary interview details
(4) Testing strategy:
- You must prepare to test applicants. Identify key competencies you will be testing.
- Explain why you select to use this test. (For this assignment, applicants will not be tested but you will have to specify how you would test them)
(5) Interview question development:
- Develop 10 interview questions suitable for a knowledge-based and competency-based interview. Two (2) self -evaluation questions that invite the applicant to evaluate themselves or to describe the evaluations of the applicant’s knowledge of a subject. The remaining eight (8) questions will be those typically used in competencies-based interviewing—four (4) situational and four (4) behavioral questions. Each interview question should have a scoring guide.
Note: Incorporate Task 1 feedback into Task 2 submission
Task 3: Implementation and Final Selection
Due date: April 12 at 11:30PM
(1) Interview execution:
- Your selection committee will conduct two effective fifteen (15) minute interviews using appropriate interviewing techniques and procedures. Select eight (8) questions from your already developed interview questions above. You will conduct the interviews using two of your group members as applicants. Each member MUST participate. Each group will have 30 minutes for this task (15 minute per an interview). The interview will be recorded for evaluation but only your instructor will be allowed to watch it (interviews are expected to take place during class on Sunday, March 23 and Thursday, March 29)
(2) Candidate evaluation:
- Rate all candidates using the developed scoring guide.
(3) Reference check:
- Fill the forms for the reference check.
(4) Final communications:
- Develop an email regret letter that you will send to unsuccessful candidates.
(5) Final project assembly:
- Compile all tasks and incorporate all feedback.
- Ensure consistent formatting and submit complete package.
Remember: This is a simulation of real-world HR practices. Approach each task as if you were actually hiring for your organization.