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Create a four-to-five (4-5) page assessment plan. Note: Use content from the Week 3 assignment, Assessment Plan – Part 1: Preliminary Steps for Selecting an Assessment, incorporating any instructor feedback that you received

EDU 510 Week6 assignment

Skills Being Assessed

In this assignment, you will practice the following skill(s):


The ability to identify and frame problems, explore ideas, and create effective, ethical, and evidence-based solutions.

Self and Social Awareness

The ability to recognize thoughts, emotions, intentions, and biases of oneself and others and use that information to identify impacts on others, receive feedback, reflect, and guide one’s growth and development.


In the Week 3 assignment (attached document), you completed the preliminary work needed for your assessment plan that included background information that provides a glimpse of what the assessment plan is about.

For this assignment, you will use your Problem-Solving skills as you explore ideas to incorporate that information into a plan for a single unit or course that will contain lessons for seven weeks. It is going to be more detailed as you need to describe the multiple activities that students will be doing in your classroom.

You will describe the specific content, concepts, procedures, terminology, and thinking skills your students will learn and use. You will also describe your teaching activities and your students’ learning activities. You’ll identify the learning objectives and student learning targets for the lessons, including the specific formative and summative assessments you will use, and when you will use them.


Note: Refer to the Assignment Description in Week 1.

(Week 6: Assessment Plan – Part 2

For this assignment, you will revise the information you gathered in Part 1, based on feedback from your instructor(attached document on what to revise) and incorporate it into an Assessment Plan that includes the following:

·        An assessment plan that includes lessons for a seven (7)-week grading period.

·        A description of three assessment techniques or methods that you will be using for your students, the appropriate grade level, and the subject area.



Review Chapter 6 of your textbook, (chapter 6 attached) paying special attention to the “Example of How to Develop an Assessment Plan for a Marking Period’ section, which begins on page 109. This section includes an example of how to create an assessment plan for the hypothetical class that you are developing (Figure 6.1), as well as an example of an assessment plan for a single unit of the course (Figure 6.2).


Create a four-to-five (4-5) page assessment plan. Note: Use content from the Week 3 assignment, Assessment Plan – Part 1: Preliminary Steps for Selecting an Assessment, incorporating any instructor feedback that you received, and expanding on the details as needed.

1.     Describe the school and the student population, including key demographic details, and “using an in-text citation to give credit to the author of the demographics.

o   Include background information about your school, student population, grade level, current knowledge, city and state, diversity profile, school ranking, test scores, income level, etc.

2.     Explain how your assessment plan can promote learning and an inclusive environment.

o   Provide your rationale.

3.     Create an assessment that includes the following sections. 
Note: In your overall assessment plan, you have the option to present the information as a paper, using the required section headers; or in a chart format, such as in Chapter 6 of your textbook (Figure 6.1):

o   General Learning Target

o   Timeframe

o   Formative Assessment

o   Summative Assessment

o   Grade Weights

4.     Create an assessment plan for one unit or module that incorporates three (3) assessment techniques. 
Note: For the unit or module section of the Assessment Plan, you have the option to organize your unit activities as a paper, using appropriate headers; or in a chart format, such as the one in Chapter 6 of your textbook (Figure 6.2). If you choose to write this section in a paper or report format, you will need to ensure that the headings are clearly specified so the readers or other teachers can follow your organization.

o   Select one of the units or modules you wrote and develop an assessment plan that incorporates three assessment techniques.

o   For each assessment technique, the following information must be included:

§  Assessment description.

§  Explanation of the purpose of the assessment.

§  Explanation of the activities that students will be doing.

§  Include the specific activities you expect students to complete, and your follow-up action to assess students’ performance.

§  Rationale for using this assessment technique.

§  Include an in-text citation that supports the use of this assessment.

§  Strategies for Inclusion.

§  Explain how the Assessment Plan promotes an inclusive environment.

5.     Summarize the work that you have done in the Conclusion section.

o   Provide insights on how another instructor could use this plan for their own class.

6.     Use three to four (3-4) sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review the library guides.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

·        Generate assessments that align to learning goals and incorporate strategies for inclusion.

Create a four-to-five (4-5) page assessment plan. Note: Use content from the Week 3 assignment, Assessment Plan – Part 1: Preliminary Steps for Selecting an Assessment, incorporating any instructor feedback that you received
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